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Favourites menu - Can it be to the top of the screen?


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EDIT *** Sorry The title of the thread should have said: "... - Can it be extended to the top of the screen?"

I don't know why it got shortened.


Hello all.


As the title of the thread suggest, is there a way for the favourites menu to use the full height of the screen instead than just the bottom?


It would make it a lot more practical and useful with far less scrolling required and far more items/spells available at a glance.


If such a mod is possible how hard would it be to make?


- - -


Out of curiousity.

What level of customization is achievable over the favourites menu?

For instance could it be made to include collapsable categories, a bit like a more traditional inventory, to provide players with a better way to sort and access items/spells?


I hope the following basic example is enough to explain what I mean:


ALL > Item 1
         Item 2      
         Item 3
         Item 4
         Item 5      
         Item 6
POTIONS > Potion 1
         Potion 2
SPELLS > Spell 1
        Spell 2



Clicking on a Heading on the left would open or close the list of its contents to the right.

Edited by Brinnie
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