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BERSERK mod team recruitment thread


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Hey everyone!


If you don't know what Berserk is, then this thread is not so much for your eyes.


If you do know, then you would probably love to see characters, gadgets, weapons, monsters and stuff appear as mods in Skyrim.


Now, individually you might even be able to mod some of those into the game. But what i have in mind is a team, that could even end up creating a solid questline based entirely on Berserk, played as Guts, or even some of the other characters, modded as an entirely separate, Berserk-only project, free of the TES lore and such. That means a lot of content. Characters, dungeons, events, items, skill trees, voice acting, modeling, architecture, programming, scripting, directing, bug hunting, etc. It could get huge.


Every able modder who loves Berserk is welcome. Non-modders are also welcome for playtesting!


I haven't seen initiatives like this on skyrim nexus yet, because people usually like to work independently, free of any responsibilities and musts. However, this team effort would treat each individual like it should. Everybody contributes whatever and whenever they want to. If you want to get into modding, texturing, scripting real hard, you can do that; but if you just want to say... playtest stuff when the mods reach that state, you could simply join into the team and be notified when you are needed.


I have some pretty good ideas about shorter, rather easily executable mods involving weapons and stuff, that Guts himself uses (arm cannon, crossbows, special power attacks combining them, armor of the berserker, enchanted weapons from Flora (Schierke's master), and so on). I also have some good ideas as to how it would be possible to tie Berserk's world seamlessly into the TES lore; which could be done through a dream, much like the one where you can grab the Wabbajack for yourself... only much more vivid and longer. Sooooo... a lot could be done as a team, but if talented modders would merely mod individually, mods of such scales would probably never come to life.


If you are interested, contact me on [email protected], or pm me here.


I also have another thread going for a mod team, with a particular questline in mind, chech it out: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/488204-questline-mod-team-recruitment-check-it-out/

You don't have to be part of both if you want to join just 1 team, but i think both parties might end up working on the same thing once both projects are done.

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