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Aela the Huntress WILL NOT GO AWAY


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I have never asked her to follow me, but the other night in the middle of Solitude, she sneaks up on me and starts a conversation. There are no new dialogue options, so I move on. She walks slowly behind... So I run. She does not run! So, I get away.


I fast travel to White Run... then hours later I am out exploring the area around White Run and slowly over the horizon marches Aela... she corners me and presents the same useless dialogue options. Every time I tried to walk away, the system forced dialogue again. So, I blasted her and ran again.


Now, today, in the random eastern hinterlands... she get me again.


I am about ready to kill her, but that seems drastic to handle this bug.


My only dialog options with her are:


  2. Can you train me in Archery?
  3. I'm looking for work.


The first she cannot train me as I am already 5/5 for this level

The second, I am already running errands for the other Companion guy


I tried picking up one of my other followers, but they say I already have a follower... which I do.






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I have no help for you, but Haelga in Riften thinks we are married. She's not even marriable as far as I know, but when I did the Thieves guild quests to shake down the Riften locals, my option was "My Dear, you need to pay Brynjolf what you owe." Her dialogue went something like "I always knew this would come between us someday."


She doesn't live in my house, and doesn't cook meals, but when I walk by her she still says nice things which is very uncharacteristic for this NPC.


Not sure what I could have done to activate this bug. But it is clear Haelga was intended to be a romance option.

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Guest MajinCry

I got this in Whiterun...But with Farkas.


What seems to have worked for me was to repeatedly bash the character untill they were on the ground, and then "FUS RO DAH"-d him. Seemed to work.

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SO I am not wearing the Amulet (or any Amulet right now), but this woman WILL NOT LEAVE ME ALONE! I think they programmed her TOO much like a real woman... (Sorry... LOL)


So I decided to look into MajinCry's suggestion when I realize that I apparently am suffering from some sort of SHOUT bug as well... I realized that, although I have absorbed MANY dragon souls, when I click to learn a new shout, it tells me that I must have dragon souls to learn that shout.


I am LEVEL 28... I do not care to start over.



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Guest MajinCry

Egad! Murderer!


On a more serious note, try opening up the console, clicking her, and typing "disable"

Close console, wait a while, and then type "enable" after opening up the console again.


If that doesn't work, set her to essential, near-murder her, and do a full-powerd Unrelenting Force shout when she is on the ground. If that doesn't work, stabby-stabby.

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So I tried the disable / enable trick. She was merciless. I waited like 10 mins in between. As soon as I enabled, her relentless march toward me to dialogue me to death began anew.


I tried the near kill and Unrelenting Force shout. She stood up, said I fight well, and the began her merciless repetition again.


So I can't kill her... I can't escape her.

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