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Everything is the same no matter what


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So. i played through on one character and reached level 30. I decided to make a new game. For some reason all the vendors and about every character i encountered had level 15-30 items on them. But i am only level one. I want to start the game fresh but the vendors wont reset their items neither will anyone else. It seems that everything is set on a permanent LVL. I Deleted every file i had under skyrim including save games, uninstalled it and re installed it then i started a new game. Everything was the exact same still. I did it again and this time deleted steam and re installed everything from my disk again. Still the exact same. It's unbelievably aggravating, to the point where it's unplayable. I would be able to ignore the TOO high level vendor items, but all the npc's every where are to much for my little character to handle. How do i reset EVERYTHING to it's defualt? And, no one anywhere i've looked has had the same problem, posted anywhere. Please help.
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Oh man, this story is making me have flashbacks to the old Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits. I mean the old ones

from the 60's, with the good stories and some tripping scary episodes, not the 'newer' crap that came out years later.


I have no idea man but sounds like your stuck in some sort of gaming Limbo, and that is got to be a bad place to be.

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