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Standalone Vault 111 Suit - CBBE / Bodyslide?


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I hope someone can help me with this. I'm a newbie when it comes to modding and while I'm sure this has probably been asked a million times I've just been spinning my wheels attempting to figure it out for myself. Please forgive me for asking what likely will sound like an incredibly dumb question or something I should have been able to figure out in ten seconds using a simple Google search...


What I'm attempting to do is make a standalone vanilla vault suit for use with CBBE / Bodyslide that is identical to the one in-game completely but only accessible to the player. The reason is, I'm using Unique Player (with the CBBE / Bodyslide additions) and everything works well, but obviously Bodyslide affects every NPC wearing a modified item. This isn't much of a problem because I'm using a relatively subtle slider set that isn't very noticeable on casual wear or armor pieces, but it is on the Vault suit (very much so), hence why I'd just like to create a standalone for my player and leave the default CBBE Vault suit for NPCs.


I'm perfectly fine adding the standalone suit to my player through the console. I don't even necessarily care if it can be crafted at the AWKCR workbench (though that would be a definite bonus), but I'd like it to be the same otherwise.


So I'm basically just asking if anyone knows of a mod that already does this (because I couldn't find one) or if anyone knows of an easy to follow tutorial for doing this so that I can do it myself? Like I said, I'm a complete newbie and everything I've found isn't quite what I'm looking for. I thought it would be fairly simple, seeing as CBBE already has the Vault suit .nif files included and everything works well--I'm just not sure how to copy those to my own standalone and have it appear in-game.


Thank you!

Edited by Dereka1011
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Alright m8, so here's what you can do.

This mod will allow you to have a unique variant of the 111 vaultsuit, custom textures and mesh.

What you'll have to do to get it how you want is to follow these instructions:
1. Install the mod as is.
2. Build in bodyslide your preferred PLAYER suit.

3. Navigate to [data/meshes/clothes/vault111suit], find the .nif titled "FemaleVault111Suit" and rename it to "FemaleVaultSuitUnique"

4. rename the .nif titled "FemaleVault111Suit1stPerson" and rename it to "FemaleVaultSuitUnique1stPerson"

5. Copy these two files ("FemaleVaultSuitUnique" and "FemaleVaultSuitUnique1stPerson") to [data/meshes/clothes/vaultsuitunique]

6. Build in bodyslide your preferred NPC suit.

7. Profit.


That should do it in theory, haven't tried it myself but that is how it should work, good luck!

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