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Follower Mods: Fatalities, Conflicts and Strange Behavior


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Just an anecdotal posting apropos of not much...except for a mild shot at casters.


Was running five followers, coming up on a bandit hold which I had been instructed to clean out.


Tangled with a guard on perimeter duty. Sunya, a follower, hit bandit with frost and then flame.

Guard went down.


Another follower, Sylvana, got singed, frostbitten or both. Took exception to all that and proceeded

to draw her Dai Katana and set to on Sunya with a will.


Am running UFO with ignore friendly fire set. Did no good whatsoever. Soooo, since my last save had

been quite a while back I determined that I would watch and see who bit the dirt since i'm also running

UFO with nonessential set.


Eventually Sylvana went to Bit Limbo and I buried her with all honors. Just as Sylvana had gone down,

another follower, Kristina, decided that she'd had enough and calmly proceeded to take a hike over the

rolling hills and headed toward Whiterun. I couldn't catch her cause I'm running a Wrinkly character whose

stamina's not yet up to snuff. Kinda wondered if Kristina and Sylvana had been mingling their precious bit

fluids and if Sylvana's death had been intolerable for Kris. (LOL! No, not really.)


So, there I am with three followers, and heading into a hold that's still got several supercharged bandits to

deal with. Figuring that I could still pull it off, I proceeded to log off, open NMM, and fired Sunya. She'd been

a pain in the tookus anyway. With a fair amount of forethought, the remaining three of us were able to

pull it off.


Upon return to Whiterun, I was met by a courier who proceeded to inform me that Kristina was dead and

that I was the sole beneficiary of her little estate. Whereupon I was awarded 300 Septims...less the Jarl's

estate tax. Too bad I couldn't have found her back at her home base. She was carrying a lot of mineral



All in all, I found the play day to have been quite interesting. One never quite knows what all those little

programmed bits will get up to.

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