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Be a dragon? Ride a dragon?


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If you want to be a dragon, follow these steps - but read this whole post before you go running off and trying it:


1. Open the console.

2. Type player.setrace dragon, press enter (This works with other things too - try elk or slaughterfish)

3. Type psb and press enter to get all of the spells

4. Exit the console and go to the powers menu

5. Unlock the Fire Breath (FOR DRAGONS ONLY) Shout

6. Shout to burn stuff

7. (Here is the part i can't figure out) Type player.pa xxxxx in the console to fly

8. When you are done playing around with being a dragon (or elk, or slaughterfish, etc.) go back into the console and type player.setrace <your original race>


The thing with step 7 is that you need some sort of path identification code to use. xxxxx represents some sort of hex code for the path. If you enter a path that isn't close to where you are, your game will crash. I do know of one path - but I don't know where the takeoff point is. 3b4e3 is that particular path, and can be seen in the following youtube link:


If anyone can figure out where this takeoff point is, i'd be much obliged if you could let the rest of us know.


Also, walking in 3rd person is extremely rough, as the camera defaults to your feet. I'm no modeler, but I have seen someone modify the camera so that 3rd person works correctly for the dog model. The same should be possible for the dragon model. The benefit to this method is that everyone still recognizes you as the dovahkiin and is not hostile. Also, first person still works. Additionally, you'll find that the dragons cannot strafe. This can be a problem if you get yourself pinned between your follower, and say, a tree. I highly recommend having your follower wait somewhere, as they can push you around, and constantly see themselves as being too far from you, pushing you further in some direction.


There is another method that gives you better control over creatures, that involves the player.tc command. Understand that you will be recognized as that creature and dealt with as such. I haven't really experimented with it, but you are that creature and if you are normally hostile, you will automatically be attacked by villagers, etc. So, at this point, if you're going to be a dragon (or something else), you have that option as well - just bear in mind that most people (if not all) will attack on sight and you will use your dragon's default shout uncontrollably. Meaning, if someone walks up and attacks, you'll blast 'em with fire or ice or something without the player's input. The benefit to this method, however, is that you have a functioning third person camera - so it's up to you to decide which method is better.


EDIT: Forgot to mention, unequip everything (Spells, weapons, armor) before you begin.

Edited by DrMeat201
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You can change into any race using this mod: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2294

The console command for dragon would be "player.setrace dragon"


Also, you can't attack or fly, or run, or... anything besides walk around. I'd also suggest not entering any cells when you're a different race, it corrupted my save file and prevented my game from loading that save.

Edited by eagledude4
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