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Ambriel & Neetrano


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Quote: Not a solution but a workaround that I had to use - Progress normally until you meet him, bring up your console then disable and markfordelete him (just to keep things clean) then use the commands:

"setstage **08a3d7 80" (Marks talking to him complete)
"setstage **08a3d7 95" (Unlocks the next stage of the quest)

Obviously replace the asterisks with whatever Ambriel is in your load order (just use "help Ambriel" and it should be obvious) You'll miss out on what he had to say and do but, eh, at least you can carry on. I just looked up a walk through and watched that small snippet. No idea what causes it but it MAY be Rigmor, judging from what others have said. All I know is it messes with the factions and doesn't always play nice with other things as a result but I could be and probably am completely off on that.


Is that "disable" & then close tidle & then re-open tidle & markfordelete? Cuz disable makes Neetrano disappear?? So, what am I marking for delete? Also, her Load Order is 32 (last of my list) but in the help Ambriel she has 1E in front??

Not a solution but a workaround that I had to use - Progress normally until you meet him, bring up your console then disable and markfordelete him (just to keep things clean) then use the commands:

"setstage **08a3d7 80" (Marks talking to him complete)
"setstage **08a3d7 95" (Unlocks the next stage of the quest)

Obviously replace the asterisks with whatever Ambriel is in your load order (just use "help Ambriel" and it should be obvious) You'll miss out on what he had to say and do but, eh, at least you can carry on. I just looked up a walk through and watched that small snippet. No idea what causes it but it MAY be Rigmor, judging from what others have said. All I know is it messes with the factions and doesn't always play nice with other things as a result but I could be and probably am completely off on that.

Edited by SirTrijj
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