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Jump When Running-Attack When in Air/Water


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Enable attacks while in the air, or under-water, and allowing the player to jump while running are things I thought were a no-brainer, but are apparently not in the game.


I have a vision, a dream. One day my home is attacked by a dragon, and my guards and I attack the beast in air and on ground, and when it lies near dead, hovering off the ground to taunt me and my axe. I run towards it, jump, and FUS-RO-DAH the ground in mid air, pushing me up to its head, wherein I chop it off with my axe and scream to the heaven's while I devour it's soul.


While this dream may take time, I hope to see it realized, and the basic ability to attack in air would be a great start. Attacking underwater to kill an annoying slaughterfish seems only normal, and jumping while running is another one that just seemed weird that it was not already in game.

Thanks to anyone who seeks to use your superior modding powers to make these possible.

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