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Gas Mask alternative mesh not applying to female. Any ideas ?

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EDIT : Found a solution to the problem. I cut off the piece of the filter and made a new mesh from it. Then I imported it onto the original gas mask and now the mesh is changed.


I made an alternate gas mask look for both male and female (shortened the filter), but for some reason the female one is not changing. The male one is changing ingame though.


-In the Creation Kit, I checked the nif sources for both genders and everything looks normal. The preview shows the changed mesh.

-I changed both M and F versions of the mesh in the folder.

-This raider gas mask is the only gas mask giving me trouble. The others are changing with no issue.












Any ideas on what's going on ?

Edited by crimsomrider
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Sounds odd indeed. If I understand correctly you didn't add it as a new item in the game, but replaced the original one? Otherwise I was thinking maybe the formid of the one on the female is the vanilla, not the formid for the new ARMO.


Guess all advice I can offer is go back and make sure you didn't put it in Armor\GasMask\ by mistake instead of Armor\Raider01\ or something like that.

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Sounds odd indeed. If I understand correctly you didn't add it as a new item in the game, but replaced the original one? Otherwise I was thinking maybe the formid of the one on the female is the vanilla, not the formid for the new ARMO.


Guess all advice I can offer is go back and make sure you didn't put it in Armor\GasMask\ by mistake instead of Armor\Raider01\ or something like that.


Yeah I tripple checked and I find it odd why it isn't changing. I changed the correct female mesh in the correct folder and it's not changing at all. The male however, is changing.

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Here's what I get from Nifskope whenever I export this gasmask from Bodyslide:




This is the only mesh I've been working with so far that refuses to change on female characters. The male version throws the same error, but that one is working without problems.

Edited by crimsomrider
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