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Low-Res Graphics and Blurring


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So I got my game started and upon starting a new game I ran into something that isn't quite right, when I went to customize my apearance the projection computer testures were blurred, the menus all work fine but the computer portion itself is blurry and unreadable. The same goes for my Pip-Boy. Another thing too is I have NMC's Performance package and minimal bump-maps installed and a couple other texture replacers but they don't seem to be taking effect either... luckily I got screenshots to show you all. I tried the archive invalidation trick, but no matter what I seem to try, nothing works. I got a pip-boy retex mod and it works, but everything on it is blurred out except for the menus themselves.





This second Ss is of a rock that is supposed to have hi-res retextures on it...and the ground looks the same...


What am I doing wrong?


Edit: I put this in technical support because I count this as an issue with my game rather than something related to mods...although I may be entirely wrong...

Edited by tshultze
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You have your game set to load the low res textures. Open the Display options in-game and select "Large" for Textures. If that doesn't do it, check your video card's settings. You are probably set in "Performance" mode, and you don't want that apparently.
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