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Dumb mod author needs FO4Edit help


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This happened, that happened, some other things. Blah blah. Now, When I use FO4Edit to try and clean my mod, general maintenance, etc. things are not right. I dunno what has happened or how to fix. I can give you symptoms.


Master list in top left reads



(all the other DLC in correct order)



That looks odd. Ok, so, I apply filter to show conflict losers because I want to be able to look at each individual change my mod makes, and be sure that it was intended, if I'm not sure, I'll remove the change. Sensible enough for me. Apply filter, and... no conflicts from my mod at all. DLC01 and 03 have some. I know my mod changes some things in the Commonwealth world space. Odd.


Load up a different mod I have already released. No conflicts. It had conflicts yesterday. It's supposed to have conflicts. How does it overwrite anything in the base game if it has no conflicts?


Someone must have changed a FO4Edit option, delete it's configuration file. No change. Well, s#*!, delete all the .esm, delete the .exe. Restart computer, steam verify. No change. Wipe FO4 completely, redownload, no change. Reinstall FO4Edit, no change. Wipe FO4 AND FO4Edit, reinstall both, still no change.


I've... I don't even know. I have a file ready to go up, except I don't want to run it through cleaning because something is not right and don't want to screw something up.


I've been googleing for 2 days, either I don't know how to ask the question, or I don't know enough about what has gone wrong to find the answer.



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Not an expert, let me be clear...


That said I've had FO4Edit "break" a couple times, and either stop displaying data properly (comparisons) or start adding rogue edits when I open / close (noticing mods I had not touched asking me to save changes).. (I'm sure I broke FO4edit with a fat-finger or something)


Rename your FO4edit folder, redownload FO4Edit and try a fresh version, see if suddenly it starts working, and if it does kill the old FO4Edit folder..... has resolved issues for me twice

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  On 10/10/2016 at 5:13 PM, tarsis31 said:

This happened, that happened, some other things. Blah blah. Now, When I use FO4Edit to try and clean my mod, general maintenance, etc. things are not right. I dunno what has happened or how to fix. I can give you symptoms.


Master list in top left reads



(all the other DLC in correct order)



That looks odd. Ok, so, I apply filter to show conflict losers because I want to be able to look at each individual change my mod makes, and be sure that it was intended, if I'm not sure, I'll remove the change. Sensible enough for me. Apply filter, and... no conflicts from my mod at all. DLC01 and 03 have some. I know my mod changes some things in the Commonwealth world space. Odd.




I see a major problem with your concept. You're applying the filter for "losers". Your mod is last. It will never lose. So there's nothing to tell you about.


  On 10/10/2016 at 6:28 PM, hlp said:

You are not using the proper filter. Use "Apply filter for cleaning".


This is indeed what the OP needs. It will highlight both winning and losing conflicts. This will help the OP identify the modified records that are eluded to.

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Actually, it was my inability to explain in my frustration, I was meaning filtering for cleaning. I was filtering for losers when filtering for cleaning was NOT working as expected, then garbling my own questions for help.


I ended up fully wiping my FO4 folder and making a new one, reinstalling there and things seem to be going as needed. Regardless if it was full on stupids, frustrations, what have you, things are working again. Thanks for your help.


Everything is functioning at more or less the average level of fail now.

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