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Mirabelle Ervine stay alive/Marry


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I'd like to be able to have Mirabelle Ervine either survive the end of the college questline.

I saw a mod where you can quit as archmage that gave me the idea: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64071/?


I'd really like to be able to marry or have her as a follower.

I saw interest on an old post: http://skyrimforums.org/sf/threads/marrying-mirabelle-ervine-after-her-death.17946/


I tried spawning her with console command but she doesn't stick around



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She is not really dead, just disabled from the game.


So, if you play on PC, you just have to hit on console

prid 1C1b9 (that should be her refid)


moveto player


then you can recrute her with a follower mod like IAFT or EFF


As for marriying her, you can try a mod like "Anyone as spouse or follower" (but don't use the follower script included in this mod, its bugged !, just use the spouse script)

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