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Cold Meter


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A meter that empties the longer you are outside in the Cold. It would be nice if a visible timer were created to be in your hud somewhere.


It's pretty cold in Skyrim. I'd say that at least in snowy areas, you should get sick for being outside for too long, hypothermia. Eventually you need to find an Inn or some building and go inside. When inside, the meter starts filling back up. If you stay out long enough in cold areas and your meter empties, you should take damage and will eventually die.


The timer for Nords would be doubled due to their cold resistance. The timer would go empty faster at night compared to day, and also if you have been in water. Even when you get out of the water, the timer will still go faster until you find a way to fill your timer back up. Argonians would be immune to the water affecting their cold timer. It would also be cool if when standing near a fireplace your timer would start filling back up. There could be potions to fill the meter back up, and drinking alcohol could slow the timer down during the affects of the drink. So while buzzed your timer will go slower, but it won't go even slower if you KEEP drinking.


If anyone has ever played The Thing, then that's the type of cold meter that I'm talking about. Except it would be a lot longer.

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