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a problem that only partially pertains to skyrim


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By saying that I'm not really sure it belongs here, or anywhere, after all the only association is the fact that it's the Skyrim Nexus, more specifically, the Skyrim nexus is Laggy.. like .. REALLY Laggy, the lag doesn't carry through to the other nexus Branches, just to the Skyrim nexus. it's making it impossible to do anything on the site, in the attachment is a screen cap of a performance check over the course of a minute or so (didn't time it) please bare in mind it only happened on the page, all other parts of my computer were working fine.




Edit, apparently attatchments don't work the way I assumed, so here's a link https://www.dropbox.com/s/440uot1lvhu861f/Screenshot%202016-10-10%2019.50.34.png?dl=0

Edited by XiloStarship
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