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Sprint disable script help (FO4 CK)


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Scriptname ARMA_DisableSprintEffectScript extends ActiveMagicEffect

Group Settings
	bool Property DisableSprinting const auto
	bool Property DisableRunning const auto

InputEnableLayer inputLayer

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) 
	inputLayer = InputEnableLayer.Create()
	if DisableRunning
	elseif DisableSprinting

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) 

Script is a part of MagicEffect with archetype script; constant effect; self

MagicEffect has condition of AVIF [x] == 5

MagicEffect is part of spell [y]

Spell [y] is applied to actor via perk (perk entry Ability)


With the perk active on actor (player in this case), and AVIF [x] set to 5 (on the actor), I am still able to sprint

Now.. I was wondering where Im going wrong, am I going wrong with the script?, possibly the event type?

Or am I messing something up in the CK?


Got it to work just the way I wanted it to, all done :)

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Fixed it for you.

Scriptname ARMA_DisableSprintEffectScript extends ActiveMagicEffect

Group Settings
	bool Property DisableSprinting const auto
	bool Property DisableRunning const auto

InputEnableLayer inputLayer

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) 
	inputLayer = InputEnableLayer.Create()
	if DisableRunning
	if DisableSprinting

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) 
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Tried it, still doesnt work sadly


I believe the issue is with the condition in the magic effect

If I were to instead incorporate that into the script, would that be possible at all? (I dont believe so, considering the script only extends ActiveMagicEffect?)


EDIT: Got it to work, no more help needed :)

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This is not a very good practice, even if it does work. When the effect finishes you just remove the layer you created and not just change the settings.


Also, making the properties 'const' will make them stick the way they are the first time the mod loaded, and not change even if you were to update the mod with new values (if a user made a save with the current mod version). Got it ass backwards on that part, corrected by steve40. 'const' cannot be modified by scripts, only in the CK (editor), See wiki Const.


I suggest your script be like this: ("fixed" your first check)

Scriptname ARMA_DisableSprintEffectScript extends ActiveMagicEffect

Group Settings
	bool Property DisableSprinting auto
	bool Property DisableRunning auto

InputEnableLayer inputLayer

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) 
	inputLayer = InputEnableLayer.Create()
	if DisableRunning
		inputLayer.EnableSprinting(false) ; If we disable running, we have to disable sprinting as well
	elseIf DisableSprinting

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) 
	inputLayer = None

Edit: corrected my wrongful remark on how 'const' properties work.

Edited by timtimman
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Unnecessary because the layer will cease to exist when the magic effect finishes.

If the properties are const they will be ignored in the savegame and their value can be changed using the editor, so your advice is wrong.

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Unnecessary because the layer will cease to exist when the magic effect finishes.

If the properties are const they will be ignored in the savegame and their value can be changed using the editor, so your advice is wrong.


Well, in the case of Magic Effects and Quests (maybe some other once I can't think of now) then the last OnEffectFinish is unnecessary then. But in all other cases, my approach is the "correct" one, and should be included for good measure (even if not necessary in this case).


As for 'const', I've apparently got that ass backwards. I'll redact that part in my comment to avoid further confusion. And thanks for pointing it out so nicely with references!

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Well, beyond good measure, the script does what its meant to do


Aside from the script, not so much though


The idea is to disable sprinting when wearing 5 pieces of heavy armour, which is exactly what it does

What it doesnt do though is enable sprinting again when unequipping a heavy armour piece that wasnt the last one you equipped, because only the last equipped armour piece applies the effect, and doesnt change anything until you unequip said piece


Ill probably leave it at that though

Beyond Lua I have no coding experience, and even that is all self-taught

Feel like Im reaching in the dark with this


I had first tried [scriptname ARMA_DisableSprintEffectScript extends Actor], but quickly learned that [Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)] doesnt work without a native flag, and with a native flag it wont let you call [inputEnableLayer inputLayer]

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I think we are all self taught when it comes to Papyrus. Don't let that hold you back and give up!


You shouldn't use the 'native' flag as we cannot make anything native. The native flag on a script tells the compiler that you've added new events (which you won't be able to use). And native scripts won't let you use properties or variables (not storing information) as they are intended to be extended (and never actually attached to an object).


You have to extend the script which events you want to use (or one with inheritance of the script with the event).


As for the function you wish to achieve. Just make a check on your effect to see if one of the armor pieces was unequipped (attached magiceffects receives events from the actor it's attached to), in which case Dispel the effect. If your not leaving it as is, try to implement that. If you don't succeed, return for more help!


Happy modding!

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