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My requests for the game


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Things that I would like in the game:


-sit/sleep animations: being able to lay down on a bed or wherever I want, same with sitting.


-change the outfit of my spouse,


-npc's behaving differently according to how I'm dressed/ titled: I would like to see that, for example, when I'm the archmage and dressed in the archmage garb I get greeted accordingly. When I'm in Stormcloak officer clothes, regular stormcloaks should salute or atleast stand still and face forward, not follow my movements like a hawk. When I'm in thiefsguild clothes outside the guild I should be arrested whenever I'm spotted by a guard/non-friendly npc, same with Dark Brotherhood oufit but killed, not arrested.


-in that line: when I'm thane somewhere I should be treated as one. Same with saving the world.


These things I would like to see, not sure how hard this would be to mod in the game and maybe a few things could be done already (like set bounty to 500g in every town whenever I change to thiefs guild armour). Oh and outfit should go before title so that if I'm thane somewhere and I turn up in dark brotherhood outfit the guards should still try to kill me.

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