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If this was sorf of answer to my post, then you should know I don't mind what you said, but I do not get what's the point to write it all here? Think we can all agree, that the first thing you do in such situations – try to download it manually and unpack .rar archive. Instead of executing disk defragmentation, re-installing NMM or the entire OS. And I'm more than certain that you do not call 911 or a computer guy when you can't download the mod using automatic regime. In my opinion, trying to deal with the issue the simpliest way first isn't "ridiculous", it's... this kind of advice is a bit ridiculous. No offend intended. I'm not a programmer, I develop electronic devices for microwave range (Qwips, HEMTs and stuff for military needs), so I understand your point and what can happen with the signal transferred, but still... Downloaded this mod manually and unpacked. It just works. Problem solved.

Edited by werr92
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