Superrpgman Posted October 12, 2016 Share Posted October 12, 2016 To the mods: Sorry, I put this in the wrong section initially. I was told that this topic is fine in this forum though. Hey everybody, how's it going? It's my birthday today, and I decided to set forth an idea that I've had for a while.Essentially, I play, while I give you a bunch of options to determine my actions, and I'll describe what happened, with a bit of my imagination thrown in.(You'll see what I mean as I go along.)Then I'll give you more options. This is essentially a Choose Your Own Adventure type of game.For now, I'll go with whoever chooses an option first along with my own option, and roll the dice to determine what decision is made, but if this gets more activity I'll make it so people can vote over the course of a half an hour. I'll also be asking people from other sources to make a decision as well.If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Just try to be specific, or I'll have a much harder time answering anything.Alright, let's start this off:You're an freelance warrior with a love for combat and adventure who has just arrived in Skyrim, hearing that dragons have returned, hoping that this will provide the challenge of a lifetime for you. You walk into the local tavern and order a drink, hoping to get more information on the dragon attack, or maybe just see if anyone can offer you bounty on a local monster or bandit camp.You sit down, and order some mead and strike up a conversation with the female bartender, when all of a sudden you hear a loud slapping noise, followed by a woman's scream. By impulse, you brandish your favored weapon, your trusty...1) Iron dagger, being the stealthy back stabbing Assassin that you are.2) Your trusty wooden Bow, being the agile Archer Huntsman who kills from afar that you are.3) Your fire-powered staff, being the powerful spell slinging caster that you are. ---- While I made this, someone I know happened to be on and made a decision. Ok, got my own vote in, which was for archer. Rolled a 3 sided die 3 times, and rolled a 2 twice, and a 3 once.You pull out your trusty Longbow, a decent weapon for the one early on in an adventure and notice the creepy, bald fat fat causing harm to the a poor blonde Nord woman, and you fire a well placed "warning shot" between the hand that he used to create the assault. The man screams, and you shout back, suggesting he leave town, NOW!He pulls out A throwing knife, and looks at your with murder in his eyes, giving you more than enough time to show that you're hardly a one trick pony, as you as a fireball quickly forms from your hand, as you prepare to flay him alive. The brigand falls to the floor wetting his pants and begs you to spare him. You tell him that this is his last warning, and if you hear that he's seen in town against that you and an entire army of fellow ARCANE ARCHERS will kill him...slowly. He runs screaming for his mother, as you laugh happily, and reveal that the fireball is in fact simply a Magelight. The bartender thanks you, telling you the mead is on the house, and the Nord women gives you a quick kiss, thanking you for saving her.She tells you that her name is Camilla, and she's glad that the town has protection against the local bandits. She tells you that because you have done this, it is likely that that they'll come back in a week and take out the town, and its up to you to save them now. She also tells you a story about how they killed her lover last year, and took her prized possession, a golden claw, and tells you that her brother would pay handsomely for it. You mask the fact that you're not sure if you can take out a group of bandits, and tell her that they can count on you. Camilla tells you that you needn't worry about lodging, as she'll let you spend the next week at her and her brothers place preparing for assault.Ok, you have a week to prepare, and every decision will take a day. What will you do for now?1) Buy and learn a spell that will help you prepare for the event.2) Check the notice board for something for a bounty that will sharpen your skills a bit, and earn you some cash, which you can use to buy something that will leave you more prepared.3) Find a training dummy and increase your archery skill.4) Take a risk and go straight to the bandits yourself. Warning: if you fail this you'll lose 10% of your gold. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Superrpgman Posted October 12, 2016 Author Share Posted October 12, 2016 Like I said, multiple people from different sources are voting, hence why this is continued. Would love to get some votes from here as well. I got a votes for 4, a vote for 1, and a vote for 2, and my own vote for 1 so I'll roll a 5 sided die...Wow, 2 4's and a 2. Ok, here we go!<i>Feeling extremely headstrong you decide to look for the bandit base yourself.Camilla shows you a bridge and tells you to follow is and that to follow the path and you should find their base. You do so so and follow the road. Along the way you find a rabbit, but it narrowly escapes your arrow.You find a wheat mill and have a feeling that you've gotten lost, so you and look around, seeing if there's anyone that can tell you if you're on the right track. You find a woman named Lara and tell her of your quest. She commends your bravery, and offers you her decent silverware, which you can sell once you for a little bit of scratch.You get lost yet again, and all of a sudden you hear a slashing of swords. You rush towards to calamity, and you see a group of warriors standing at the corpse of a giant. The leader of the bunch is a beautiful Nord woman. which you hear one of the men call Aela. She calls you useless, and tells you that you'd never be fit to be called a companion. You make a note of the organization in case you need to look into them later.You travel a bit further and meet a man you says that he's on a pilgrimage to worship his goddess Azura. He marks it on your map.a short bit later you encounter a wolf. You're able to take it out with your arrows, but it deals a bit of damage to you, and you use a potion of healing to restore yourself. It's a valuable resource for someone with your small amount of gold. If you had gone to the the merchant first, maybe you could have bought a healing spellbook instead. You have 3 left.Finally you reach a fort with Bandits surrounding it. This has to be their base! You're able to take them by surprise, and you fell several bandits before they can even get close to you. You take a few blows, wounding you yet again, but it's nothing that a night of rest won't heal.You raid bandit fort, and and the bodies of the bandits and get much to sell, and much to keep for yourself, including a better Hunting Bow, more arrows, scaled armor that replaces most of your inferior elven armor, quite a bit of wine, and even a potion of healing to make up for the one you lost.You make your way back to Riverwood to see Camille, letting her know that it is done. She takes you in her arms, kisses you with passion, tells you to follow her to her room and the screen fades to black.Well f*#@ing done!In the morning she tells you that she'd glad that you completed the main task, but she asks you if perchance you've found the golden claw. You shake your head, and she nods understanding. She asks to travel with you, feeling that if you explore for a bit, you'll probably find it. She suspects that they may have hidden it in a nearby dungeon. She does however warn you that this place will be full of the undead, and you should probably train a bit beforehand, and there's no rush. You also realize that you'll have to keep not just you, but Camille alive as well, she's not warrior. Plus, you still haven't sold your loot.What's the plan?</i><b>1) Buy and learn a spell that will help you prepare for the event. Oh, and since you're there, you'll sell all your loot.2) Check the notice board for something for a bounty that will sharpen your skills a bit, and earn you some cash, which you can use to buy something that will leave you more prepared for what lies ahead.3) Find a training dummy and increase your archery skill.4) Take another risk and go straight for the dungeon. Warning: if you fail this you'll lose 10% of your gold. Oh, and since this would be your second risk in a row, there's a 20% chance of you failing this automatically. Oh, and the chances of Camille dying will be pretty high too. You've been warned!</b> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Superrpgman Posted October 12, 2016 Author Share Posted October 12, 2016 (edited) Like I said, multiple people from different sources are voting, hence why this is continued. Would love to get some votes from here as well....Wow, 2 4's, and a 3. the one with the least amount of votes wins again. We got a 1 and a 3, plus my 1. So I'll roll a 4 sided die. <i>You spend 100 gold to borrow a practice bow and use the weakest arrows in the world to train,(leaving you with around 2500 gold). By 6 hours you've trained all you can for the day, gaining you 5 points in your archery skill(22 total),and a bonus perk(+20% bonus with bows) and getting you to level 2. Nice! Camille is impressed by your work, and you two make out for a bit.You still have 12 more hours in the day, so you have time to either sell or do a bounty. Which you obviously choose to sell.You make quite the penny with all the loot that you sell. You ask the merchant, Camille's brother Lucan about spell books, and to your suprise, Lucan tells you that since you save the town he'll sell you them all for all of the loot that you just sold him, putting you back to where you were before at 2500...yeah...all that wasted time haggling with him takes 4 hours, leaving you with 8 hours more to train.It takes oyu an hour to learn how to cast a basic healing spell, which is pretty impressive. Too bad it takes you a 7 more to learn how to learn how to turn a corpse into a basic zombie. You crawl into bed with Camille, cuddle for a while, then fall asleep.What's on the agenda now?</i><b>1) Go back to the fort and raise a temporary zombie army of the bandit corpses, raising your conjuration skill.2) Get a bounty.3) Take a risk and 4) Take another risk and go straight for the dungeon. Warning: if you fail this you'll lose 10% of your gold. Oh, and since you took a risk 2 turns ago, there's a 10% chance of you failing this automatically. Oh, and there's a 50% chance of Camille dying. You've been warned!</b> Edited October 12, 2016 by Superrpgman Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Superrpgman Posted October 12, 2016 Author Share Posted October 12, 2016 <i>Someone voted 1, and I vote 1 so yeah.You decided to head to the bandit fort and summon your own undead army. Camille for some reason demanded that you take here with you, which could be dangerous.You spent 3 hours trying to turn the bandits into zombies.After several fizzles you manage to turn 12 of them into zombies. You're read to send them out to a nearby dungeon to raise a little hell, but before you can say "come my minions!" they disentigrate before you. you're confused by a bit, and then you remember what the book said, about how to use the zombies for whatever purpose you have fast, because they melt into ash quite quickly. Aw man! On the plus side, you've become much better at conjuring, giving you 5 more points int he conjuration skill, and advancing you to level 3. You also get a bonus perk(you are now a novice at conjuration)Well, you still have 15 more hours to kill, and there's only one thing left to do before you can be fully prepared for the undead fortress known as Bleak Falls Barrow. You head towards the bounty board, and you see bountry to slay both the undead, and some mysterious beast. You realize that this could be good practice for the Bleak Falls Barrows, especially since once again Camille insists on you taking her with you....and then you realize how far away the undead are, and so you decide to go for the beast instead. After a couple hours or traveling, you reach where you need to be, Graywinter Watch. You go inside and immediately you find the beast. After shooting it with a couple dozen arrows, you realzie that weapon has no chance against it and you flee, healing you and Camille like made.However, you feel that you must defeat it, so you pray to the gods for things to be easier for just a little bit, the gods hear you, but they demands half the bounty if you are successful. You promise them that, and you head back in. You move in, this time conjuring a basic short range fire attack, backing off and chugging potions then going back for the kill. Both of you near death, Camille surprises you as she suddenly brandishes a dagger, and plunged it into the beasts eye. The beast screams the all to familiar sound of a dying monster, and collapses.You take a piece of the monster as proof of your victory and you run off before more of its kind can respond to its dying leader.Free from combat, you immediately go to work healing both you and Camille with your magic, and you thank camille for saving your lives. She tells you that she feels so alive right now, and pushes you to the ground, kisses you passionately, and the screen fades to black.Oh, and as if that wasn't cool enough, the mass healing you've done alongside the fire attack has raised your skills in both. you gain 5 points with each, and are now an novice with both restoration and Destruction. Your skill level in conjuration, restoration, and destruction now being 25. Oh, and you also gained 2 levels. Score!It's only 2:30 pm where you are, but you have to go to a nearby city to turn in your bounty, and you and camille aren't too certain of the way, so you know you won't be doing anything else.As you made your way to the nearby city, Whiterun you encountered more bandits. After the Yeti fight, they of course are nothing. But as you're about to loot them, some brigands pretending to be soldiers, and are armed to the teeth appear, and requested a bounty, you don' think they have a prayer against you, but once you see the Orcish leaders huge axe, you realize it's time to get the f*#@ outta Dodge, and you BARELY lose them, them doing a serious number on you, while for some reason ignoring Camille. You suspect that they inteeed to sell her into slavery.You're See Whiterun on the horizon when you come across a stable. You tell the stablemaster what happened, and he offers to sell you a horse for 1000 septims. It's almost half your cash, but it could keep you alive, and you'd cover so much ground in a day.</i><b>What say you?1) Getting more done in a day, and much easier to run away? All for the price of less than a bounty? What's the question?2) A horse can wait. What if I need something right away in the future?</b> --- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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