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Dragon Damage Enchantment


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Hi guys.

I've been experimenting with the dragon damage enchantment. I tried to learn the enchantment from the Dragonbane sword but it wasn't coming up on the Disenchant list at the Arcane Enchanter.


So I looked up some of the ID codes (F1AC2 & FF9F7) & used the console to enchant a weapon so I could use it to learn from, and while the weapon now shows up, it is grey. When I click on it to disenchant it, a message appears saying I already know the enchantment. However it doesn't appear on the list of possible enchantments.


Does anyone know if this is a bug or something the devs didn't want us to play with?



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There are several weapons and enchantment types that cannot be disenchanted. Another prime example is a shield I recently found with a weird name has a bleed-out effect if you bash someone with it, and that enchantment cannot be learned. It is currently unknown if this is intentional or a bug.



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