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Stormcloak Officer bear arms on other clothing


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Those of you who've delved into the Stormcloak campaign (and some of you who haven't) will notice that Stone-Fist and other high ranking Stormcloaks sport an interesting set of armour. One of the key traits of this armour is the fact that the helmet is a bear's head and the torso has two bear arms wrapped around the chest with a long cloak/pelt hanging down the back.

It looks like this.

Given that I spend most fantasy RPGs perusing for the animal-pelt and beserker-style armour, you'd think this'd be my armour of choice.

Currently though, I'm cramping Ulfric's style and wearing his glorious unique coat.

(Which is this)

But here's the thing- would it be possible to take the bear arms/pelt of the Stormcloak Officer Armour and put it on another armour, such as Ulfric's? I'm sure this would require model hacking, so is it something we won't be able to implement without the CS? I'm skilled with 3D software, so I'm certain I'd be able to do it.



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