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New Nord Body


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Nords, here known as Vikings, are rather sizable people (up Nord in Europe the folks tend to get bigger, right?), wielding axes, big swords, and were considered barbaric in many tales.

Note, tales, the true Vikings were rather traders than the barbaric intruders raping women, slaughtering children, and burning whole continents.

However, going for the tales, and compatible with Morrowind, the Nords, imho, should look more like Swarzenegger (no, not that buffed up, really), showing bigger arms, larger upper torso, bigger legs, which came from wielding those big arse weapons, and doing the hard work (timber logging, building, ...), which would actually would be logic...

Also: the Nords we know from the stories, had massive beards, like in the pic provided (lend from Sirend, DevianArt, Viking Berzerker


Type of the body I was looking for: http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d54/Kirzillian/viking_berserker_by_sirend-d34k16u.jpg


Thank you.

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