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My Final Wish


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I thought a bit, after my last request was not nice.

I've had a 'sort of dream'

What about a Mod, where only my beloved Dark Magician, his Outfit, Staff and The Millenium Puzzle exists. How about a CM Partner Mod?

He can be added in the Starting Sewers.

Also you can choose: Want him for Help in your Quest of Saving The World, or are you a bad Character who seeks for his Godlike Items?

You can have access to his inventory after you find his Staff hidden by a powerfull Necromancer who wants to destroy the hole Mages Guild and rise up to the mightiest Mage Cyrodiil has ever seen.

The other Option: You are a Bad Person and want his awesome items NOW, than you just have to fight him. But be warned: He IS God himself!

But without Staff Most of his Power will be missing.

He's the Keeper of an ancient Power, called Dark Magic that is so powerfull, that only he (The last of his Kind) remains to keep this Secret. But if you choose to let him live and want his everlasting loyality he wil give you someday a special Object: The Mysterious Milleniums Puzzle with unbelievable Power.

Maybe a bit more stuff, but thats all for today. Plesae, if you got something to say, than please tell me everything, you think about my last Request.

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I wish I could help bub..... I really do.... I want to learn how to mod and such.... I have a dream mod too... I swear that I'll help when I learn more about modding.... I named this account after The Dark Magician... it's my favorite card.... I'll even add some other things. Like Dark Magician Knight, and Dark Magician Girl for the girl players... Sigh. I'll try as soon as I can do it with at least moderate skill.
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