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How to mod skill values. Yes, I'm a scrub


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Ok so I've done simple modding for other games and it was never difficult since finding tutorials and other peoples input was never difficult. For the life of me, I just can't find any references on how to work with the DAI stuff


Anyways, my question is simple; I want to mod values of skills such as damage and range (I'll play around with other stuff later once I get the basics down). I downloaded DAI mod maker, found the skills at

da3/party/rogue/(whatever skill) and it all looks like gibberish


Here is one in particular, explosive shot. Say I want to change the range from 4 to 6 and the damage to 500% on detonation, which files have the values to change, and how do I change them? Also, once I make the changes, how do I turn the new file into something readable for the the mod manger to actually implement


Any advice helps, thanks guys :D

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