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WIP Dogs of War, Rerturn of the Desert Rangers


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How Dark is Your Mod Going To be?


Sounds great, looks great, heck it might be better than "New Vegas Bounties" Bro!


And yeah, I'm looking forward to Project Brazil, the way their plot was set up, it really pulls you in the mod! The team said its pretty about to be finished, I'm ready haha.

in places its going to be dark, it will mostly be in the middle, with some moments of humor. Having spent time in Uncle Sugars step kids my experience has been that humor crops up often and at some of the strangest times.


I'm not sure about being better than NVB, but I'm shooting for at least equal to. LOL I've toyed with the idea of using NVB as masters so I can tie in a few things and asking some guy for a little help voicing an NPC. if nothing else I will tie it in with a plug in so people wont have to add extra mods to what may be a large mod list already just to play mine.


I mod too, I had this mod I worked on for an year only to find myself deleting it :sad:. But I'm back, working on a huge mod that I might work on for years. Its on the works right now


Keep plugging away, you'll get there.

I know the headaches and how hard it is to build something, especially when its only you and not a team like Project Brazil or The Frontier

It can be a real head ache. I am aiming to reach a point where I can release some video and then hopefully find a few others to help. If not then I will just keep going till I have a beta to release.

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Sounds like you got it all figured out :D


If I wasn't working on my mod, I would join you in making your mod. Me and you have the same plan though, I want to make it big enough til people really feel like the mod could be something of theirs too.

My Biggest issue right now is that I have a lot of buildings that need LOD, but I don't know anything about creating a low poly model of the model I need LOD lol

Edited by Kliffz21
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Sounds like you got it all figured out :D


If I wasn't working on my mod, I would join you in making your mod. Me and you have the same plan though, I want to make it big enough til people really feel like the mod could be something of theirs too.

My Biggest issue right now is that I have a lot of buildings that need LOD, but I don't know anything about creating a low poly model of the model I need LOD lol

I don't know if I have it "all" Figured out LOL but I have a plan and that will have to do till I stumble across something that throws me for a loop.

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Sounds like you got it all figured out :D

My Biggest issue right now is that I have a lot of buildings that need LOD, but I don't know anything about creating a low poly model of the model I need LOD lol

I'm no expert on LODs. but .. making low poly models is pretty easy. make a box add the roof, materials and textures and your done. But the actual Lod is generated using the GECK or FNVGENLod. Since I haven't used FNVGenLOD yet I have no clue how well it works. its supposed to be faster by a large Margin than GECK.

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LOL! Out of the shadows, and all that. I've been enjoying your "strip tease" graphics, but am getting impatient for the "big reveal". Anything to help move things along.



thats sexual harassment that is. LOL. I wish I could release it this week. For those that don't know, Modding can really eat into your free time, impact your love life and you know your deep in when you have dreams about writing scripts and working on landscapes. I've woken up cusssing when the dream GECK crashed. LOL

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