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WIP Dogs of War, Rerturn of the Desert Rangers


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The models and texture are done, the real problem is blender, I truely suck at using it.


So what would I do in Blender to create LOD Model.


Dubiousintent, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Really needed that tutorial. I read through it, but I didn't get to what I really really needed, and that how to dupilcate a Low poly version of the High poly model

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The models and texture are done, the real problem is blender, I truely suck at using it.


So what would I do in Blender to create LOD Model.


Dubiousintent, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Really needed that tutorial. I read through it, but I didn't get to what I really really needed, and that how to dupilcate a Low poly version of the High poly model



about half way down the list there is a link to a series of Video tuts on making low poly. this has been my go to guide when I hit problems.

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Oh, oh, oh! :ohmy: Now that link is a great resource. Hadn't even been aware of that section of the Nexus Forums. Added. Now I'll have to see how much duplication is warranted due to the difference in organization, starting with the low poly vids. Thanks for the additional work. :laugh:



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first let me say, thanks for the support. Due to R/L difficulties I am not able to devote a huge amount of time to modding. I'm in the middle of trying to probate a will, repairing a house for sale, etc.... and being the only person working on this mod means its going to take some time.


with that said I have a plan, which doesn't involve high explosives, a ferret and six hooters girls, I know disappointing but there it is. My plan is to focus on getting part one, the new Vegas part of the mod completed cleaned up and ready to go. Which means that in the next month or two if all goes well in real life I will be needing voice actors, for part one.


I will need basic chatter for Random NPC's and the voices for Cat, Jake Remo, Mad Bill (outlaw), Alex Crighton, Rafe Cassidy, One Gun Pete, Butcher Barns (a Jackal) and Kylie the widow maker. there might be a few others, though the part of every ones favorite bad guy the mime wont be voiced, so don't ask.


"I had to shoot him, he did one to many rope pulls your honor"


since I have never used voice actors before, I suppose I have to draw up a list of voice types, a short character bio and faction reactions as well as clean up the dialogue and make it more coherent and condensed. (there will be some adult language, though no if any extensive use of the F bomb)


I also just shot off an email asking what I need to do to get permission to use three of the songs I really want in the mod.


once thats done, it will take a little more time getting it in game, getting it out to beta, correcting errors, kicking myself repeatedly, holding up a few trains to get a feel for how the outlaws operate and visiting various madams to immerse my self in the character roles. Its for Art people don't judge. LOL


Okay seriously, its still going to take some time, but this will speed up the process.


what I really want is some new action idles, a few more military like, and a few western weapons carry idles. oh well wish in one hand spit in the other and see which one fills up faster as my Nanaw used to say. She also said grocery stores took the fun out of cooking, "fried chicken just don't taste right unless you wrang the critters neck yourself." a wise woman

Edited by JoKelly
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Happy New years folks, or for those Carlinesqe types, crappy new year. just covering the bases LOL.



you know when I was talking about voice actors.... Apparently I will have a lot of dialogue unless I trim it down. Quest 1 in part one was done, but I rewrote it, so its almost complete again. how ever there is twice as much dialogue and in the middle of it I realized that one of the NPCs was almost a companion and the questionably bright idea of why not tolled through my head, so a "Little" more dialogue is being fleshed out.


The good thing about that is that some of the background that I had intended to spread out via notes and almost monologues can be available through the "Companion" if I go that route. Convo tree's that appear at certain points in the quests and locations. so the player can't just go through the dialogue from the word go and learn it all before even completing "A message for you sir"



I am trying to keep it lore friendly, which is harder than you think as it turns out.


tonight after new years dinner, I plan on finishing up quest 1 and then start on rewriting quest 2 "Boothill blues"


oooh if any one is good at texturing and really hates mimes, I need a good mime face texture. My mime textures are just not working. why a mime you ask, well you can mime it for gold till its vien's are dry. sigh... yeah I know... LOL I blame it on the Bacardia 151 which works better than blaming my dog, even if she does type better than I do.


what do you call a metal box filled with High Explosives and mimes.. a frag mime. okay okay I will stop now.


okay so the state of the mod... good. progress, two steps back but its for the best. comedic content... managing to keep it with in limits.. tight limits.


any one want to give an opinion about the temporary companion idea?

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