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WIP Dogs of War, Rerturn of the Desert Rangers


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Would you be willing join my team of creating huge worldspace?

I appreciate the offer, but to be honest with my schedule and all I have to do I can't make a promise to help some one when I cant guarantee having the time. I just don't want to leave some one in a lurch.


Once the whole estate thing, selling the house and the trips to other states to take care of some of this is over I will have more time. So far its looking like five more months of this crap... Joy... note the sarcasm.

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A little advice from me is to pay attention to stuff like blocking, sight lines, and variation. It looks really unnatural when the land is completely flat and you can see all across the horizon. It's like a town in an MMO but you're the only one in it, it makes sense that there's so much space but it still makes things look off because it's so empty. You want to minimize negative space.


Putting the buildings a little closer together, avoiding straight lines, and using landscape variation and clutter props will make things look a little tighter but also a little more natural.

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The offer is always open man, thanks for your honesty :D. And its okay haha, dont mind the sarcasm bro

your welcome, like I said I do not want to promise something then can't deliver. My life is Sarcasm incarnate, or so it seems most times LOL


Keep plugging on Kliffz21 youll get there.

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The offer is always open man, thanks for your honesty :D. And its okay haha, dont mind the sarcasm bro

your welcome, like I said I do not want to promise something then can't deliver. My life is Sarcasm incarnate, or so it seems most times LOL


Keep plugging on Kliffz21 youll get there.


I'll keep doing trying to make the mod haha, but you better not let me down on your mod bro LOL. Ayye, there has to be some humor in the world ;)

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you know what chaps my butt... reading the geck and it says this or that function doesn't work in FNV GECk, then scanning the vanilla scripts trying to learn how to do this or that and right there in black and white are scripts that according to the official GECK site can not work but ... yes thats right... they do.


it calls into question the validity of everything in the GECK.


Decorating with only white Christmas lights chap me too, but thats a different topic. which leads me to another thing.. Mud wrestling, who was stupid enough to move from jello wrestling to mud wrestling... "dang those kids are rolling in the mud again. I...OH hey now that's an idea" sorry off topic.. its one of those nights.

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