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WIP Dogs of War, Rerturn of the Desert Rangers


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sarcasm and humor leaks into the dialogue off and on. At the moment I am rewriting the dialogue for several quests and debating on cutting out the mime gang. I still have to do the textures or find some one to do the texture for the mime(s).


Think the kings only silent and psychotic. to paraphrase Lon Chaney Jr. There is nothing funny about a mime in the moonlight.

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just a note, I have contacted a couple of the musicians about getting permission to use some of their tracks in the mod. While I am waiting for a response. I have spent a few hours already digging through Public domain and creative common music sites for fitting replacements. most of what I have found doesn't even come close to the tone I am looking for.




The New Vegas side of the mod is progressing, I should have the dialogue completely rewritten for two of the Main NPC's in the New Vegas world space in another week or two, real life permitting of course.


I am still on the fence about the Mime Gang.


I am also considering how much if, any impact the Followers might have on the story line and if I will need some additional dialogue to cover that.


I have imported two more weapons into the mod, Mares leg and the 1859 pistol.


and I have talked myself out of putting a working train into the mod. It would be cool but would add more time to making the mod. The Steam barge is already eating up time and its no where near what I want.


Sigh.... I need a Team who will work for cookies, or peanuts. LOL.


anyway thanks for reading and your interest.




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I really hope this gets finished. You've clearly put a lot of thought in to it and have a solid foundation. Wish I could lend support in some way, but I'm pretty inept with computers in general, let alone modding. Only thing I can think of is giving feedback on the script. It's a shame you're having to do this all on your own, have you tried reaching out to people who have successfully completed similar projects? Someguy doesn't seem to be around these days, probably burnt out with NV by now LOL, but there was a whole team for NVB3. I think it would be a good idea to release it in parts, that way it will give it some exposure and attract other modders who can help out.

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SpermCellGiganticus Posted Today, 07:23 PM


I really hope this gets finished.


thanks Spermcellgiganticus glad you like the idea.


at this point other than asking some advice on a few topics and a couple of mash ups and four textures I haven't really asked for help. Once I get the frame work completed and most of part one finished then I plan on asking for some help .


with all thats going on in my life and to learn new things for the mod I fully expect this to end up taking longer than I expect but that's okay. For all I know I might end up in a nursing home before it gets finished LOL. But at least it will give me something to do between sponge baths and chasing nurses.


I had actually thought about asking Someguy for some help if only to do some voice work and advice. I'm still toying with that idea but like you said he hasn't been around for a while.


Thanks for your interest and your comment.

Edited by JoKelly
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okay folks, still at work on this mod. At the moment I am so busy dealing with personal and Estate business I dont have a huge amount of time to devote to the mod, so what time I do have I work on the mod.


Two quests are more or less finished, I keep rewriting dialogue for various characters. Added a few more skill and stat checks. Some surprises for the player and hopefully some chaos in New Vegas LOL.


hope to release a Beta wip in the next few months for play testing and opinions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so here we are into Feb. I'm in the middle of remodeling the house, packing to move and going to take a three week vacation when the house is finished and the packing is done .. I.e. Camping, kayaking and hiking in the mountains. Me and the Nibbler.


the mod is coming along, multiple rewrites, working on a few new concepts to add like a readable news paper. I hope to have the dialogue script finalized and handed off to voice actors soon, hopefully before the vacation. Still no word back on the music permissions. Fingers crossed.


the custom interiors for the custom buildings are in the works. For chuckles and a bit of historical nostalgia in a couple of buildings will be pictures on the walls of real old west Saloon girls, aka soiled doves aka prostitutes aka girls you don't bring home to meet mom.



I'd love to have some one help with the textures, some one better than I am.


So there it is, I am still plugging away at this thing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

well still plugging along on this. currently I am stuck in another state with intermittent internet access and a truck with a broken axle. Joy!


Had a odd error occur in the tully world space, all the buildings vanished and the water suddenly is above the land. I have no clue but am working to redo the whole thing.


I should get some one to do some animations for me just to add a little zing to a few things.


well thats is for now.




Lost in Trumptonia.

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