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Moon Palace mod precombined mesh problem


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I am out of ideas ppl. I need help, I need someone to fix this for me cause I tried again and again and no effect whatsoever.


This is how it's supposed to look and it's how it looks on my client: https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/18971-11-1475400713.png


This is how it looks on other ppl's clients: https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/18971-0-1476002172.png


I simply deleted the things from the exterior yet ppl still have that ruin appearing. I don't know if it's precombined meshes or .ini setup or NMM install.

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In the exterior, add a dummy object if you haven't already got a custom object added to it.


Right-click the dummy object's base record, and select the option that removes Precombined Geometry for the cells it's in.


Then generate the Precombined Geometry for the cell, and then the Precombined PreVis for the cell.


Package all that up into a .ba2 and away ya go.

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If you modified the cell at all, do it.


I followed your instructions and play-testers report having a crash with the mod. Would you be willing to do these steps for me and then send me the finished product?

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