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R3AP3RK1NGS MOD-Collection for the Best visual experience!


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This is my personal thread, for my personal best Mod-Combination, in a personal MOD-Collection.

All Thanks have to went to the Authors:

> Coldchaos
(> mehrdad)
> Stephanie Young
> Criprriano
> dragonalex155
> Caliente
> Ousnius
(> unforbidable)
> Troy Irving
> Gopher

> MyGoodEye
> dDefinder
> Gorgulla
> SparrowPrince
> koojinn
> Valius
> akkalat85

> Nikothenet
> fadingsignal
> Hein84 and Jmane2009


My personal MOD-Collection is includeing:


> GraFix Texture Overhaul 2.1:
>> Actors 2.2
>> Everything Else 2.1
>> Interiors 2.1
>> Props 2.1
>> Set Dressing 2.1
>> Vehicles 2.1
>> Weapons 2.1

> A Little Bit of Green (Realistic Touch of Green Edit) - A Little Bit of Green Version 2.5
> 4K HD Textures - Power Armors - Complete Pack

> FAR - Faraway Area Reform (LOD) - FAR 1_32 Full Resolution ARCHIEVED

> High Resolution Texture Pack - Valius - 2k and 4k - Textures 4K Version

> Vivid Fallout:

>> Landscapes 4k Upgrade

>> Power Armor Frame

>> Roads and Bridges 2k
>> Roads and Bridges 4k Upgrade
>> Rocks 2k
>> Rocks 4k Upgrade
>> Trees 4k



> Water Enhanced - 8k Water

> BodySlide and Outfit Studio - BodySlide and Outfit Studio

> Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE-

> Enhanced Blood Textures -EBT _ Standard WIP v101 Update 5a

> Fallout Texture Overhaul PipBoy UHD 4K - FTO PipBoy All in one

> True Storms - Wasteland Edition (Thunder-Rain-Weather Redone) v1.4.1
> (Darker Nights - Darker Nights ||OR|| True Nights)
> Dynamic Muzzle Shadows - Dynamic Weapon Shadow
> DYNAVISION - Dynamic Depth of Field
> Motion Blur
> (Fallout Texture Overhaul Stars - FTO Stars)
> (4k moons - better moon size)

> (4k moons -v2)


__Mods between (xxx)__

> (4k moons - better moon size)

>> It is taller than the original one... but in combination with "FTO - STARS", you will see, that the stars are also "in front" of the moon, what isn't very realistic.

> (4k moons -v2)

>> This is the more better pattern for the moon, it looks more realistic, but still large.

> (Fallout Texture Overhaul Stars - FTO Stars)

>> Additionally explained to the explaination more above, the stars at night looking very awesome and it is realistic, because the less light-sources on the ground are (we call it Light-Smog today), the more details you can see in the sky, but the complete picture and the positions, aren't realistic to what we see in the night! - Also they are in front of the moon(-picture)!

> (Darker Nights - Darker Nights ||OR|| True Nights)

>> Darker Nights is depending on the adjustments of your OS ... or Driversettings as well as the adjustments you can or have to make on your Display! - As the Author of True Nights already explained, you should haven't activated or installed True Storms, to be able to enjoy a crystal-clear night, without fog or anything else! - Then you can set Darker Nights, to a value, which is the "Hardsetting" and do a Screenshot, then you do adjust your OS for Desktop-Adjustments or use the Driversettings, to control the rest - by watching the screenshot in the Backround in Fullscreen and do the adjustments... now you have the "Bettersetting" - now take the Displaysettings, to get the "Best Setting"! - You are fine and done with calibrations!
-- The Mod called True Nights, is under my personal testing-process and my personal meaning will be released here - and I will seriously, get in need of the ENB-Modification, so stay tuned and feel free to post your experiences here.
For my personal taste, is the "True Nights"-Mod the more better than "Darker Nights"-Mod, but make your own decision - I won't get back to Darker Nights! I made my decision!

++ Just 4 Info! ++
Darker Nights is NOT compatible with True Nights, so please use Only ONE of them!

>(This Mods aren't bad, but a lil bit unrealistic sometimes!)<

This collection runs great and stable on:

MB: MSi NightElf (S-1151)
CPU: Intel Core i7 6700k (@4,0GHz)
CPU-Cooler: Noctuah NH 14-U (1,32Kg)
SSD: Scandisk 600Mb/s R/W (250Gb)
OS: Win7 Pro x64/Win10 x64 Pro
RAM: 4x4Gb DDR4 G-Skill RipJaws 16Gb-Kit (@2133MHz)
GC: MSi nVidia GTX 1060 OC /6Gb GDDR5
Displays: 2x 1920x1080, Multidisplay-Performance-Mode, Adaptive-V-Synch

Please also throw an eye on my MOD-Request, maybe I found a way to tweak some things, to match my wants, by ENB - I will check this out!




Go to the path:

C:\Users\**Your Name**\Documents\My Games\Fallout4:

- Open the File:

- Scroll down to:


- Exchange the "0" to "1" or copy/exchange:


- After this, just save the file and close the window.

- Then go ingame and enjoy!




>>>>Important Information<<<<

This is for all the users of ENB -> You might activate SSAO by ENB, but what for? - You can switch on, the better option by the game-launcher (HBAO+) - why activate SSAO additionally to this, if this method is such a crap?

Didn't someone realizing, that it's a fp/s KILLER and it also looks more bad, because this method is totally unbalanced and imprecise as well as rough?!

Checkout Wikipedia for this!

You can see a 3-D Box ingame and the edges of it, throwing a shadow to the side, so what SSAO is doing to this - it's enlarging the shadow to this side, but ignoring the distance of the surface on the side as well as the distance to the light-source - and who would say, that this is cool or realistic?^^
Turn this off and use just the better basic-option, by vanilla.

For example, I'm useing ENB only, to setup the total ammount of availlable (G)RAM (because I got 6Gb GRAM on my GFC and 16Gb RAM installed, so I had setup 18.000Mb RAM for this game and this is a lot more than it's usually useing and it runs more smoother and faster now!), but there's seriously No Need to activate SSAO ;-P!

Read Me too please!


Greetz by Reaper! NJoy

PS: You can't watch MOD-Videos and become angry, because they are more dark or the more bright ingame, than in the watched video, if your driversettings for Desktop and Videos are different! :confused:

So my advice is: Start to Adjust your Damn System the Right!^^ :laugh: -Google for the contrast, brightness and gamma-helper in the web - there're a bunch of them and after you've adjusted your system finally (run them in Fullscreen - it's a Joke if the complete screen isn't filled out while the adjustments, because of the different LED-Backlight Methods, so use your brain.exe :laugh:) - and if the mod is too dark or too bright anyway... then start to search for a more better matching mod for your needs or just re-adjust your driversettings. ATi and nVidia are able to setup "profiles" for the settings, automatic launching, if the game starts! - But there's no need to annoy any Mod-Author for a change for this reasons!^^ :tongue:

Edited by R3AP3RK1NG
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