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Trying to add a new NiNode/add a TriShape to an unused NiNode without CK crashing


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So I have a speed loader mesh ready to go which I want to have animate-able, imported it, made a new NiNode which I called WeaponSpeedLoader, parented the mesh to it (and named the mesh WeaponSpeedLoader:0) - crashed CK.

My next attempt was to parent the speed loader TriShape under the apparently unused WeaponMagazineChild5 (I've used all the other Childs for TriShapes with no issues) - once again this crashes CK.


I've checked for Extra Data underneath all the NiNodes and TriShapes but nothing.

Anyone know how to achieve this? Here's a picture of essentially all I've done;

This is based on the double barrelled shotgun receiver nif



Edited by TheRizzler1
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There are quite a few things to look out for with .nif's. First is to always re-order blocks before a save (Spells>Sanitize>Re-order blocks). That is the major one.


But there are a bunch of subtle things that will make the CK crash. I can't really help you from just an image if it isn't the blocks.

But if you sent the .nif I could probably fix it for you and let you know what did it (played a lot with them).

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To let everyone searching here know what fixed this particular issue:


The BSLightingShaderProperty of the TriShape he'd added to the model was faulty. The following was done to fix it:

  • The Skyrim Shader Type was changed form "Default" to "Environment Map".
  • The Unknown Float 1 to "<float_max>"
  • The bottom values, wetness and such to -1.0 (basically mimicked the working BSLigh.. nodes).
  • A texture set was added and linked it (this is NOT necessary, you can use only materials if you wish). Changed the number to 10 (from six): you have to do "Spells>Sanitize>Reorder Link Arrays" for this to take.
  • The blocks were reordered (Spells>Sanitize>Reorder blocks) and the .nif was saved saved.
Edited by timtimman
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