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[Idea] Pants for Women (Catsuit theif)


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So I was looking at Hide/Studded armor on my female, and boy do they look weird. You have this nice leather top/tunic, and then this GIANT fluffy kilt. With all the "Revealing" mods that have come out. I was hoping for something that covered a bit more skin and was more form fitting.


A catsuit of sorts. Basically, if you look at the model for studded/hide, but instead of flaring out into the ....skirt/kilt thing..... just keep following that line down to make a nice set of hugging pants....maybe the section of the model from the thieves guild armor (under the jerkin) could work? I think it would make for an excellent looking thief. who really shouldn't have to carry all the bulkiness, and doesn't necessarily need to be a heavy leather top with bare legs and panties on the bottom either.


TLDR: Idea: Attach the pants from the female thieve's guild armor to the studded/hide tops.... maybe adjust texture to match.

Edited by LancerChronics
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