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Follower (Faendal) is Easily Annoyed


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I got a fresh install of skyrim, threw in some mods, started a new save, and picked up Faendal as a follower, currently in Bleak Falls Barrow, I noticed that whenever I damage Faendal by mistake, he's quick to turn against me, I don't recall followers being so sensitive, so I just loaded and avoided hitting him, but then I found out even when I go up to him and hit E, he turns against me, so any interaction with him at all causes him to want me dead.



Side note: I tried disabling the Amazing Follower Tweaks mod, and Faendal still gets annoyed easily

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One would say it's likely caused by a mod but :O, your list!


I'd assume you accidentally assaulted or committed a crime against someone like Anise (or a chicken in Riverwood). Faendal is a no-crime NPC. You need to make sure that before committing a 'crime' against a civilian who's hostile or turns hostile, is that they're actually hostile. :3 I had this problem once with Faendal too and it was repeatable. Turns out, it was because I killed Anise when she technically yielded. *shrug* Good thing it happened not too long after a recent save so I just reloaded back to the time before I killed Anise. (This time, it was Faendal who finished her off. xD *ehem* Say 'no' to violence, heh.)


Have you tried Googling about it? Maybe you'll find a similar case.

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The worst possible offense I can imagine even BARELY mildly annoying someone, is entering Alvor's house for the beginners smithing stuff, even then i didnt steal anything or anything like that, and i didn't befriend faendal until after that, and the only people I've assaulted since then were instantly hostile bandits. I'm gonna load previous saves and see how long ago Faendal started to hate me.


(note: there's some passage of time here. I like to start my reply before doing things, then do things, then put results)


Okay I'm incredibly confused.... I went back to a save that's literally just up a nearby flight of stairs that's the ONLY difference, and Faendal's happy again. The logic is beyond my comprehension, but, problem solved, I guess....

Like, I opened skyrim, hit continue, hit E on Faendal with my weapons (magic) sheathed just for good measure, and he started trying to kill me, then I load the save, hit E, "I'm right behind you." and opens the regular menu....

I mean, I tried saving and loading several times, I guess I just never thought to see how far back in time he hated me.



EDIT: Okay I think my follower tweaks mod has a bug with saving and loading or something like that...

I alt-tabbed to finish this response, that unbound my cursor, I hit f5 to quicksave then I quit skyrim and relaunched it so my mouse wouldn't weirdly be over the screen, now Faendal hates me again....

He even hates me during that previous save I went to before, what the actual hell is even going on here. I like Faendal, I wanna keep him, he's useful 'cause he teaches archery, and I plan to use archery/magic on this character, but every time I hit E on him, he's out for blood



EDIT #2: I think the solution is just to repeatedly load different saves until you find one where he isn't out for blood, the staircase save he still hated me, so I loaded a save that was out at the entrance to Bleak Falls Barrow and he didn't hate me anymore, then I loaded the quicksave where he hated me and he's perfectly fine now.


this makes no god damn sense.


EDIT #3: I don't know for sure, but I'm under the impression it might be related to quicksaving. I don't know. It's a habit my friend recommended and I'm not really used to, but have been doing.


EDIT #4: Continued going through Bleak Falls Barrow, somehow sprinted through some swinging axes and took zero damage and turned them off, but just before I did I heard Faendal take some damage, some enemies show up, I kill them, I look back, Faendal's just f***ing gone. No corpse, nothing, he just doesn't exist anymore. I go back to the last area separated by loading screen and he suddenly re-appears. This is gonna be an interesting play through...

Edited by applesauce10189
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Welcome to Skyrim, where things go buggy for no particular reason. XD


I'm a fan of quicksaving and have been using it ever since. However, that does not mean it's free from 'bugs'. An issue with quicksaving that I've experienced (not sure if this is unique to quicksaving) is that when an enemy hasn't detected you yet, there's a chance that he'll have detected you already when you reload a (quick)save near that enemy. (I hope I made sense.) In other words, saves can be really unreliable.


Do you have autosave on? There's a problem with autosave on changing locations where it causes objects to scatter in the cell you're entering. -.- I decided to finally turn that off quite recently and just rely on quicksaving and autosaving on character menu (5 mins.). Less time in loading screens forr me too. :3 What I've read though is that it's better to just use hard-saving and/or saving via console commands. Takes more time though...


I think Faendal disappearing has almost nothing to do with the saves. It's the traps. I've had a follower of mine disappear once because I decided to rush through a set of swinging axes without telling them to wait beforehand. I believe that when NPCs get hit, there's a chance they'll be moved to a space outside of the cell bounds. *shrug* If AFT includes a function to move your followers to your current position, you could have tried that.


Lastly, if Faendal is still turning hostile, you can temporarily make use of a calming spell or ability like the Voice of the Emperor and see if Faendal still turns hostile after that. Type, for example, 'help calm' then 'player.addspell (insertcodehere)', then after you're done, type 'player.removespell (insertcodehere)'.


Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink.

Good luck. xD

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Thanks, gotta look out for those weeping angels. Just gotta hope the daleks and cybermen don't ambush me while I deal with the angel.....


EDIT: I think I know why Faendal randomly hated me.

I went to whiterun and the guard pulled out his weapon and approached me, I sheathed my bow just to be safe and apparently I had somehow managed to get 40 bounty in whiterun... I had no stolen goods for him to confiscate so I just paid the $40 and appreciated him getting me to the jarl faster. Albeit at a stupid price for a new character.

Edited by applesauce10189
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