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I dislike being forced to worship the deities of the The Nightingales


Worshipping Deities  

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  1. 1. Do you like being forced to worship the deities?

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lol I don't know about the thieves guild but I know in the Dark Brotherhood if you don't want the Night Mother getting all in your business just don't approach the coffin. Close it up and leave it sit off in its corner and as long as you don't walk up to it you won't hear a peep from her for the rest of your life. :wink:


Dessicated corpses are pretty easy to avoid hehe

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I voted no because it goes along with so many things being forced down one's throat in this game, thereby even becoming a logic killer of the first order.


Hell, yes, I know they wanted to create a sandbox adventure but it should have consequences when you worship a deity. You should be barred by certain factions wanting to force their deity down your throat. I think, most players should be considered mature enough that playing a Jack or Jane of all trades with just one character. It's one of the many immersion breakers in this game.

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On a sidenote: being the Listener overwrites Nocturnal. Since Sithis is far above a Deadra prince, a Listener who is also Nightingale would still join the Void of Sithis in the afterlife, not Nocturnal.


I agree with this thread though. If i was Listener i'd burn the night mother at first sight and create the Dark Brotherhood the way i want it to be.

Edited by Kyuubi no Youko
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My character is meant to be a good guy and i was kind of drawn into the thieves without knowing whats going down.


Then before i knew it, i was officialy a thief.


I thought "Eh, thieves arent THAT evil" and decided to go and finish the thieves guild storyline and get the bloody thing over with.


Then i become a nightingale without any choice whatso bloody ever and nao, goodbye goodie two shoes Gabriel Stryfe hello demon worshipping Gabriel Stryfe -.-



So to sum it up, hell no! i hate worshipping nocturnal that excuise for a god...

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I get the feeling there isn't much communication between Daedric Lords or Boethiah may have had second thoughts in making me their 'Champion' knowing I was in cahoots with every other Daedric Lord that presides over Tamriel.


Seriously, how hard would it be for them to do a little background checking?


"Well Fallstor, we went ahead and did a little checking into your history here in Skyrim, and it appears you really 'get around' when it comes to Daedric Lords. I don't think this will work out, so I'm going to make Farly the One-armed Orc my new Champion. Best of Luck in your future soul-selling endeavors."

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This argument makes sense... My character spends many of night laying awake, wondering where he will spend eternity. Are there indeed Gods, or only spirits? When death has passed does the soul still endure?

Will I be forever trapped in the void, forever on the hunt, or will I spend eternity in a drunken euphoria? I've sworn my soul to so many gods that I am infinitely in debt, I feel like a soul prostitute.

Exactly. Sometimes I'd like to think that my character's soul would be torn apart between the Daedra because they never checked between themselves first, like some TV sitcom, only more.....afterlifey/deathy/Oblivioney.

But then again, it seems to me that only Nocturnal explicitly stated that there'd be some form of contract involved.


Another thing that unsettles me is the "Do what you want now, I've got souls to collect/got other strings to pull/I'm too busy to care" act that comes on every time I obtain some Daedric artifact. I mean, here we have fanatical worshippers who spend their lifetime devoting themselves, only to have some guy their Daedric master claim is his/her champion come along and kill everybody in a day, and claim the artifact. I was expecting more consequences with taking an artifact than simply collecting artifacts like some collectible toy game.

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