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Expanded Weapon mods Idea for Vanilla and dlc weapons.


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So basically a mod that adds new receivers, barrels and ect to existing weapons to make the more late game appropriate. like for instance the SMG is outclassed by the .45 auto combat rifle completly despite being the same caliber, so the solution would be to add gun nut level 3 and 4 receivers, barrels, stocks, muzzle devices. to the smg to balance it for late game maybe even a 10mm receiver for the final damage increase.


Same would go for the double barrel, pipe weapons, 10mm pistol, institute and regular lazer rifles and any other weapon you think needs a boost.


also could be done to melee too, like give the board stun packs and what not.

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There are a few that do this now.

It just depends how how complex you want.

Two lesser mods, but have not been updated for the DLCs

More Weapon Receivers, adds .50 to several weapons, and More Better Weapon mod adds to the 10mm


Now for one that does this to every vanilla weapon in the game, and adds over 200 weapon mods, but is not an easy install.


Weaponsmith Extended.


My fave weapons, and options comes from this mod, and the combinations of mods it has.

Edited by bill8872
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I know about those mods but I'm talking more on expanding weapons mods for vanilla and dlc weapons not completely rechambering them or overhauling them.


I would do it myself but i can't find a good tutorial on messing with weapon mods in creation kit or in fallout 4 edit.

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