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Creating A Drain Health Ability


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I am making a mod and I need to have a drain health ability that is added to the player via script and will be removed from the player by a script also. This ability will never wear off but not constantly drain the players health. Just reduce it by like 10 or 50 points while the spell is active. How is this done? There must be a way to do this without using a scripted spell. Any help will be most appreciated.


EDIT: i Have found an alternative to get this to work.


1: Create the Magic Effect

2: Create an Enchantment and use the Magic Effect

3: Create a piece of armor that weighs nothing and is worth nothing but unselect the body part it replaces and have it select no body parts and have no model for it so when the player wears it it will be invisible

4: Add quest and have the armor piece be added to the player when the quest starts as an alias and have the armor as a quest item so it cannot be removed

5: With a script have the quest start and stop and remove and equip the piece.


It is a lot of work but it works.

Edited by LegoManIAm94
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