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Uploading mods to other sites


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So I was planning on downloading a some texture mods from here, uploading it onto Bethesda, download it onto my xbox, and then delete it from Bethesda. The thing is, I'm not sure if that is okay to do or if it'll get anyone in trouble. Can I just do it and delete it afterwards with no trouble or do I have to ask for permission and still delete it afterwards?

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You must have the mod author's permission to upload his/her work to another site. Doing so without permission is mod theft, and will get you banned from the Nexus. Copywrite and intellectual property rights are taken very seriously around here.

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So if I get the author's permission to upload, I can upload it to Bethesda, download it to my console, and then delete it from Bethesda?

I am curious though. If you are to get the required permissions to upload to Beth.net, why would you delete the file once you have downloaded it to your console? If the author has decided to share his/her work with the public, why would you not also share it (with permission)?

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Okay, that makes sense to me. Mind you, not all mod authors will have the same stipulations for the use of their mods. It is best to have as much understanding between yourself and the mod author as possible, if you get the permission you are seeking. Best of luck.

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I may have hit a snag before I even started. My bethesda.net launcher doesn't open on my toaster of a computer and I read that you need a PC copy of Fallout 4 in order to use the CK which is needed in order to upload mods. I don't plan to buy a PC copy since my PC is trash and if I had a PC capable of running Fallout 4, I wouldn't be trying to get mods for my xbox. Perhaps one of my friends have a PC copy and I could use their computer to do. Thanks for the answers and help though, it has helped me immensely despite the fact that I couldn't do anything.

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