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Just noticed the shallow streams follow the current correctly...so y d


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can you post an example of one of the 'rivers' exhibiting the phenomena you are describing?


im guessing you mean water textures scrolling through objects instead of around them, or into the land, etc.


The animated textures on streams or other objects with panning textures (as far as the accuracy of the panning texture is concerned) depend entirely on the geometry of the river mesh, if the mesh contours the land smoothly, with a healthy amount of polygons, the water will flow along it smoothly.

The less polygons you have, the more jagged or rough it will look.

In regards to the larger bodies of water such as the big rivers, i am guessing due to the sheer size of the rivers there are no custom mesh alterations around pieces of land such as islands and rocks, and no panning additive blended texture to interact with in these areas

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