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Trader tycoon


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The one thing that miffs me about FO3 is that beyond the quests there just isn't any real sense of accomplishment. You run around killing and looting and theres no a lot of things to do with the loot. Traders have way too few caps to buy your inventory in a meaningful way. Oblivion was the same but at least someone created a solution... a store you could sell stuff through.

A mod I would like to see is one that lets you open a shop that sells all the loot you aquire. It doesn't have to be a shop, it could be a caravan or ebay type terminal with a connected inventory locker. Even better, strike a deal with Uncle Roe to distribute your goods for a cut.

In Oblivion there is a mod where you buy a store in a town, hire staff and supply inventory for them to sell, all based upon base values of items. You pay wages and taxes and improve your store. I suppose in Oblivion, there is a purpose for the profits like buying player homes and that could be part of the mod too like the option to buy tenpenny tower for 500k.

In FO3 you accumulate tons of items but there is no efficient way to liquidate them and it just feels like such a waste of time. It also feels wrong to not gather up everything of value in a time when there is no production of goods. Although it would be easy enough to just raise the amount of caps existing traders have to buy goods, that is just an obvious cheat and just isn't rewarding really. If you really are trying to restore the wastes, it seems natural that someone will profit, it might as well be you right? Anyway it just seems pointless to gather all those 10mm shooters or build all those neat weapons when there's no practical way to sell them. Wouldn't you like to be the wasteland's first millionaire? I think this idea would be lore friendly and useful.

I'm pretty sure this mod could be done pretty much as a series of scripts without any new modeling, textures, nav meshes or locations, but then I know bubkuss about modding nor do I have the attention span required to learn.

Anyhoo, thats my thought and I wouldn't be surprised if it was a popular mod. If you are interested and would like to take a peek at how it was done for Oblivion, the mod is called Trade and commerce and can be found here My link

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