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Creepy bandit : Treva's Watch


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The one just around when you meet the bandit chief. I had to reload a few times after being killed by the bandit chief. He was tough but it turned out he was being paralysed by Uthgerd's staff, only to recover after 5 seconds, and I kept thinking he was dead, much to my cost. About that point, a bandit appears out of the blue, even if you're sneaking. Obviously, having had to reload several times, I got to hear some - perhaps all? - of his repertoire.

Taking or dropping objects or picking a lock results in him appearing from nowhere, saying - roughly - something like 'I hope you're going to put that back' or 'You shouldn't be in here, you know' or my favourite 'You seem to have dropped something. Is it mine? I'd like it back'


Also, when does Stalleo and his bodyguard get off their backsides and move back in, instead of sitting there just grunting? It's been over a week now since I died several times retrieving it for them and they're still by their tent.

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