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Area Load Stutters?


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hey everyone,


Well, I run this game on "High" settings (Skyrim recommended) using the FPS limiter mod to save my sanity because dropping from 60-40-55-28-35-etc. randomly and for no reason really kills immersion and running at a constant 30 fps fixes THAT problem. Now I have what people seem to be calling "Area Load Stutters" which is where, out in the middle of the world when I'm travelling (generally on a horse), I suddenly drop from my constant 30 fps down to ~20 before shooting back up to 30 (would be 60 without the mod). This occurs again when I seem to get out of the "preloaded cell" and am entering a "new cell" so to speak. It never lasts longer than 1sec, is always out in the outdoor world (generally occurs when I'm on a horse), never occurs indoors/cities/dungeons, and therefore I believe it is Area Load Stutter.


Anybody know of a way to fix this or is it just something I am going to have to live with?




ASUS G60vx

Intel Core 2 Duo p7450 2.13 ghz (have "extreme turbo" turned on in the Power4gear hybrid but I'm not sure if it actually does anything haha)

Nvidia GTX 260M

4GB Ram



FPS Limiter d3d9.dll

TESV Save Game Manager


- AV

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