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nuka world ctd


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Start a new game an see what it does. Adding the DLC in mid game pushes all the mods formID forward, which means you have changed the load order, which typically causes problems. I wouldn't change anything, I'd duplicate the problem then fix it. Here we would have to run a test on it by creating a new game, or exiting the tutorial in the game then enabling mods after.


Double load that bish. Load the game you already have that crashes, and then load it a second time. Shoot a mininuke at your feet or ~player.kill, or load it an fast travel then load it again, load it an then exit to menu an load it again. Double load. Sometimes it will resolve, specially fast travel an indoor/outdoor loading, but it's a craps shoot. If you wanted it to work well, start reading.

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Fixed. Uninstalled dlc nuka world reinstalled.

stopped any mod that modified water and any hud mod.

Works fine though going through the arena had terrible graphic glitch. Rusty walls every where.

Had to use console to disable them all.

Thanks for your replies.

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