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Enderal NPC makeovers please?


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Just a quick request for some NPC makeovers in Enderal. SureAI's total conversion mod is really only a mod in that it's made with the Skyrim engine. It's actually a full game of its own and it easily outstrips skyrim. The entire mod is amazingly crafted except for one thing: The NPCs.


I don't know whose job it was to create them but they are UGLY. I apologize if this is offensive but I prefer vanilla skyrim to enderal in terms of NPCs. Even using my chosen skin and eye replacers there is just no fixing these people.


So, I tried Alternate actors...and it sucked. I don't know if it's the mod or error on my part but nothing worked correctly. It glitched, caused neckseams, took trying four times before an NPC even took on part of the look I made for them and turned every black character in the game pasty white. No thanks.


So of course next I looked to the CK...and like the FO4 Ck it crashed on me and frankly is just too complicated for me. Not my forte and I don't have the time to learn how to use it well enough.


All I want is small tweaks to the following characters:

Callia - Keep hairstyle and tattoo, do whatever to her face so she looks better. As it is she looks like a cartoon monkey.

Lishari - Do whatever you want with her. She's horrible to look at (almost as bad as whomever thought it was a good idea to make her say "prophet's ass" every other sentence.)


I don't like animu styles but otherwise go nutso. Anything would likely be better than the original. I was hoping there'd be NPC makeovers a 'la Bjinns by now but I guess no one who does that sort of thing is playing Enderal or maybe they like the NPCs as they are. Different strokes!

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