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CTD on saves. Anyone who understands Papyrus logs?


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Hey. So, I've been having some CTDs on saving.
Loading earlier savefiles seem to work sometimes but then the CTD keeps happening again.
For example:
I save, do some stuff and then save again. On Save the game CTD and if i reload it keeps doing it. I go back to an earlier save, redo the stuff and get to the same place: CTD on save.


I'm sure it's mod related but I have 162 mods active so I'd rather not check one by one. Also, it's probably script related right? So uninstalling might not even fix it.

I've done file validation and the whole uninstall-mods-and-remove-all-the-files-that-shouldn't-be-there thing.

Here are my 3 last Payrus logs. (First one is from a earlier save)

[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] Papyrus log opened (PC-64)
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] error: Native function GetAllMods in empty state could find no matching function on linked type ObjectReference. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] error: Native function GetTemplate in empty state could find no matching function on linked type ActorBase. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] error: Native function HasHeadPartOverlays in empty state could find no matching function on linked type ActorBase. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] error: Native function GetHeadParts in empty state could find no matching function on linked type ActorBase. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] error: Native function GetOutfit in empty state could find no matching function on linked type ActorBase. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] Function GetTemplate in the empty state on type ActorBase does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] Function HasHeadPartOverlays in the empty state on type ActorBase does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] Function GetHeadParts in the empty state on type ActorBase does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] Function GetOutfit in the empty state on type ActorBase does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] error: Native function GetWornItem in empty state could find no matching function on linked type Actor. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] error: Native function GetWornItemMods in empty state could find no matching function on linked type Actor. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] Function GetWornItem in the empty state on type Actor does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] error: Native function GetType in empty state could find no matching function on linked type HeadPart. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] error: Native function GetExtraParts in empty state could find no matching function on linked type HeadPart. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] error: Native function HasExtraPart in empty state could find no matching function on linked type HeadPart. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] error: Native function IsExtraPart in empty state could find no matching function on linked type HeadPart. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] error: Native function GetValidRaces in empty state could find no matching function on linked type HeadPart. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] error: Native function SetValidRaces in empty state could find no matching function on linked type HeadPart. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 153600 (max total)
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] Maximum stack depth: 100
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] This is a script log only and does not contain information on any other part of the game, including crashes.
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:47PM] Cannot open store for class "TrueStorms:TrueStorms_SpawnCleanup", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:47PM] Cannot open store for class "camplargetenttriggervolumescript", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:47PM] Cannot open store for class "camptentsheltercollider", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:47PM] Cannot open store for class "WeaponLLInject", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:47PM] error: Unable to bind script WeaponLLInject to NukaHandmadeInject (83004C50) because their base types do not match
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:47PM] Cannot open store for class "AmmoLLInject", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:47PM] error: Unable to bind script AmmoLLInject to NukaHandmadeAmmoInject (830090A1) because their base types do not match
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:47PM] Cannot open store for class "VFA_FocusAimDetectScript", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:47PM] Cannot open store for class "VFA_BlitzEffect", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:48PM] Cannot open store for class "MyMod01:TERM__01001ED4", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:48PM] Cannot open store for class "MyMod01:TERM__01001EDC", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:48PM] Cannot open store for class "MyMod01:TERM__01001ED6", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:48PM] Cannot open store for class "DLC04:DLC04OperatorsRifleAnimationScript", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:48PM] error: Unable to bind script DLC04:DLC04OperatorsRifleAnimationScript to  (06051235) because their base types do not match
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property isMainframePanel on script dlc04:dlc04_gzstarcorepanelscript attached to  (06031A13) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] error: Property Valuables03 on script dlc03:dlc03dialoguev118script attached to DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (28) on quest DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] error: Property Valuables02 on script dlc03:dlc03dialoguev118script attached to DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (27) on quest DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] error: Property Valuables01 on script dlc03:dlc03dialoguev118script attached to DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (25) on quest DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49003F0B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49001ED9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (490041AE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032694) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032694) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032697) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032697) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ForcedEMSState on script DLC04:DLC04GZEMSystemTurfScript attached to  (06039105) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property StartOn on script DLC03:ADV002_ProjectorScript attached to  (030049ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkCustom02 on script DLC03:ADV002_ProjectorScript attached to  (030049ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkCustom01 on script DLC03:ADV002_ProjectorScript attached to  (030049ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390BB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390BB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032693) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032693) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029414) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029414) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029414) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029416) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029416) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029416) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49003DFD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029626) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029626) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029626) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029627) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029627) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029627) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49004019) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602941A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602941A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602941A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (490040A0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06026FFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06026FFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06026FFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029498) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029498) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029498) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029628) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029628) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029628) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49003E84) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49004127) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029418) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029418) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029418) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603298F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603298F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029419) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029419) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] error: Property WorkshopRatingValues on script DLC06:DLC06OverseerHandlerScript attached to DLC06OverseerHandler (05003CF3) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49004343) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] error: Property DLC04GZHostileRobotsFaction on script DLC04:DLC04GZBattlezoneQuestScript attached to DLC04GZBattlezone (060295C8) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (060213F4) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029477) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029477) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029477) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029476) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029476) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029476) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032719) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032719) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326F9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326F9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZ_StarCoresTotal on script dlc04:dlc04_gzstarcontrolterminalscript attached to  (0601E359) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZ_StarCoresClearTotal on script dlc04:dlc04_gzstarcontrolterminalscript attached to  (0601E359) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326B1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326B1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (490042BC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49004235) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] error: Property FollowerMoveToDepart on script dlc03:dlc03boatanimscript attached to  (030247B7) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (031259E2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032678) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032678) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] error: Property CompanionActor on script COMTalkQuestScript attached to CompBRQuest (5B000F9D) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (5B000F9C) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ForcedEMSState on script DLC04:DLC04GZEMSystemTurfScript attached to  (06039196) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49003F92) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602947E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602947E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602947E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029487) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029487) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029487) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] error: Property DLC04_WW02 on script DLC04:WW_StartCritterHunt attached to  (06040B26) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (06038358) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (490043CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property MinutemenFaction on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property BoSPrydwenArrived on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property BrotherhoodOfSteelFaction on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property MinutemenCentralQuest on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused08 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused15 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused27 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused40 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused14 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused23 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused12 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused20 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused38 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused22 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused31 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused42 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused35 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused33 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused21 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused02 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused16 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused37 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused09 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused11 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused04 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused06 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused29 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused30 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused26 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused10 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused39 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused36 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused13 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused28 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused43 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused07 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused17 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused18 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused25 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused41 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused05 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused34 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused19 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused01 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused24 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused03 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused32 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] VM is freezing...
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] VM is frozen
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] Reverting game...
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] error: Unable to bind script DLC04:DLC04OperatorsRifleAnimationScript to  (06051235) because their base types do not match
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] error: Unable to bind script AmmoLLInject to NukaHandmadeAmmoInject (830090A1) because their base types do not match
[10/15/2016 - 09:06:51PM] error: Unable to bind script WeaponLLInject to NukaHandmadeInject (83004C50) because their base types do not match
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] Loading game...
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property isMainframePanel on script dlc04:dlc04_gzstarcorepanelscript attached to  (06031A13) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] error: Property Valuables03 on script dlc03:dlc03dialoguev118script attached to DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (28) on quest DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] error: Property Valuables02 on script dlc03:dlc03dialoguev118script attached to DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (27) on quest DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] error: Property Valuables01 on script dlc03:dlc03dialoguev118script attached to DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (25) on quest DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49003F0B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49001ED9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (490041AE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032694) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032694) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property WorkshopMirrorValidScalpels on script LMM:WorkshopMirror attached to  (FF004FCB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property WorkshopMirrorRequiresItems on script LMM:WorkshopMirror attached to  (FF004FCB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property WorkshopMirrorValidHairBrushes on script LMM:WorkshopMirror attached to  (FF004FCB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032697) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032697) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ForcedEMSState on script DLC04:DLC04GZEMSystemTurfScript attached to  (06039105) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390BB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390BB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49003F92) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032693) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032693) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029414) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029414) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029414) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029416) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029416) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029416) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49003DFD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029627) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029627) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029627) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] error: Property CompanionActor on script COMTalkQuestScript attached to CompBRQuest (5B000F9D) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (5B000F9C) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49004019) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029626) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029626) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029626) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602941A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602941A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602941A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06026FFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06026FFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06026FFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029628) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029628) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029628) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49003E84) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49004127) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029418) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029418) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029418) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603298F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603298F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029419) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029419) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] error: Property WorkshopRatingValues on script DLC06:DLC06OverseerHandlerScript attached to DLC06OverseerHandler (05003CF3) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused08 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused15 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused27 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused40 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused14 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused23 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused12 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused20 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused38 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused22 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused31 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused42 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused35 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused33 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused21 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused02 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused16 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused37 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused09 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused11 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused04 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused06 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused29 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused30 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused26 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused10 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused39 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused36 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused13 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused28 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused43 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused07 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused17 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused18 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused25 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused41 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused05 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused34 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused19 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused01 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused24 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused03 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused32 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49004343) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (490040A0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] error: Property DLC04GZHostileRobotsFaction on script DLC04:DLC04GZBattlezoneQuestScript attached to DLC04GZBattlezone (060295C8) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (060213F4) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029477) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029477) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029477) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602947E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602947E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602947E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property StartOn on script DLC03:ADV002_ProjectorScript attached to  (030049ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkCustom02 on script DLC03:ADV002_ProjectorScript attached to  (030049ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkCustom01 on script DLC03:ADV002_ProjectorScript attached to  (030049ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032719) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032719) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029476) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029476) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029476) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (490042BC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326B1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326B1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49004235) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032678) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032678) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] error: Property FollowerMoveToDepart on script dlc03:dlc03boatanimscript attached to  (030247B7) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (031259E2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ForcedEMSState on script DLC04:DLC04GZEMSystemTurfScript attached to  (06039196) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326F9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326F9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZ_StarCoresTotal on script dlc04:dlc04_gzstarcontrolterminalscript attached to  (0601E359) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZ_StarCoresClearTotal on script dlc04:dlc04_gzstarcontrolterminalscript attached to  (0601E359) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029487) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029487) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029487) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] error: Property DLC04_WW02 on script DLC04:WW_StartCritterHunt attached to  (06040B26) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (06038358) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (490043CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029498) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029498) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029498) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property MinutemenFaction on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property BoSPrydwenArrived on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property BrotherhoodOfSteelFaction on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:02PM] warning: Property MinutemenCentralQuest on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:03PM] VM is thawing...
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:03PM] error: Native static function GetCurrentConsoleRef could find no matching static function on linked type game. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:03PM] OnPlayerLoadGame()
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:03PM] CWMR: OnPlayerLoadGame
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:03PM] CWMR: Formlist Addition
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:03PM]  OnPlayerLoadGame Block Running 
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:03PM] Location loaded!
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:03PM] [Conquest]======================================================================================================
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:03PM] [Conquest]     Conquest is now performing compatibility checks. Papyrus warnings about missing or               
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:03PM] [Conquest]             unloaded files may follow. This is NORMAL and can be ignored.   		                   
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:03PM] [Conquest]======================================================================================================
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:03PM] Found workshop: [DLC06:VaultWorkshopScript < (05000FEF)>]
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:04PM] Init()
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:04PM] [Conquest]======================================================================================================
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:04PM] RegisteringRemoteEvents
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:04PM] [Conquest]                            Conquest compatibility check complete.   		                           
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:04PM] [Conquest]======================================================================================================
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:04PM] [Conquest] Injecting custom workshop menus.
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:04PM] AddItemsAndPerks()
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:04PM] UpdateVanillaPerks
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:04PM] CritLimit: 1
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:04PM] FLC: 0
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:04PM] GRS: 0
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:04PM] GunFu: 0
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:04PM] error: Native static function Log could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:04PM] error: Native static function LogicalNot could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:04PM] error: Native static function LogicalXor could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:04PM] error: Native static function LogicalOr could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:04PM] error: Native static function LogicalAnd could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:04PM] error: Native static function RightShift could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:04PM] error: Native static function LeftShift could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:05PM] AttackQuest.DLC02CageSpawnMarker:[ObjectReference < (02000BE5)>] aRefInject:[ObjectReference < (02000BE5)>]
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:06PM]  Automatron EyeBot Companions order-critical formlist edits started 
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:07PM]  Automatron EyeBot Companions order-critical formlist edits completed 
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:07PM]  AEC Non Order Critical Edits Begun 
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:07PM]  AEC Non Order Critical Edits Done 
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:07PM]  AEC Managing Holotapes 
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:07PM]  AEC Done Managing Holotapes 
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:07PM]  OnPlayerLoadGame Block Done 
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (2F00E4D2)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000857)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000859)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (0000085A)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000856)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000872)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000871)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000873)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000874)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000875)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000858)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] VM is freezing...
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:08PM] VM is frozen
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:09PM] Saving game...
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:09PM] VM is thawing...
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:15PM] PlayerHit: [MasterAmbushActorScript < (05004239)>] HitSource: [Weapon < (000EEBED)>]
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:15PM] PlayerHit: [MasterAmbushActorScript < (0500423D)>] HitSource: [Weapon < (000EEBED)>]
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:19PM] PlayerHit: [MasterAmbushActorScript < (05004239)>] HitSource: [Form < (65000803)>]
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:20PM] PlayerHit: [MasterAmbushActorScript < (05004239)>] HitSource: [Form < (65000803)>]
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:20PM] PlayerHit: [MasterAmbushActorScript < (05004239)>] HitSource: [Weapon < (000EEBED)>]
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:20PM] PlayerHit: [MasterAmbushActorScript < (0500423D)>] HitSource: [Weapon < (000EEBED)>]
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:21PM] error: Cannot register unbound script to receive hit events
	[None].VFA_OnHitMonitor.RegisterForHitEvent() - "<native>" Line ?
	[None].VFA_OnHitMonitor.OnHit() - "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\VFA_OnHitMonitor.psc" Line 56
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:25PM] PlayerHit: [MasterAmbushActorScript < (0500423D)>] HitSource: [Form < (65000803)>]
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:26PM] error: Cannot register unbound script to receive hit events
	[None].VFA_OnHitMonitor.RegisterForHitEvent() - "<native>" Line ?
	[None].VFA_OnHitMonitor.OnHit() - "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\VFA_OnHitMonitor.psc" Line 56
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:29PM] PlayerHit: [dlc01:workshoprobotscript < (FF0047F2)>] HitSource: [Form < (65000803)>]
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:29PM] PlayerHit: [MasterAmbushActorScript < (05004241)>] HitSource: [Form < (65000803)>]
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:38PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:38PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:38PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:38PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:38PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:38PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:38PM] Item's value is 0 or 1
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:38PM] Item's value is 0 or 1
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:38PM] prepare to read
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:38PM] prepare to read
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:38PM] try to read
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:38PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:38PM] try to read
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:38PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:38PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:38PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:39PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:39PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:39PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:39PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:39PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:39PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:39PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (2F00E4D2)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:39PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:39PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:39PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:39PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:40PM] VM is freezing...
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:40PM] VM is frozen
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:40PM] Saving game...
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:41PM] VM is thawing...
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:45PM] Settler count: 3
[10/15/2016 - 09:07:46PM] OnTimer()
[10/15/2016 - 09:08:42PM] error: Cannot access an element of a None array
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetNextThreshold() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1207
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1655
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 09:08:42PM] error: Cannot access a variable of a None struct
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetNextThreshold() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1207
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1655
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 09:08:42PM] error: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function call
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetNextThreshold() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1207
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1655
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 09:08:42PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp372"
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetNextThreshold() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1207
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1655
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 09:08:42PM] error: Cannot access an element of a None array
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetNextThreshold() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1209
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1655
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 09:08:42PM] error: Cannot access a variable of a None struct
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1655
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 09:08:42PM] error: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function call
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1660
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 09:08:42PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "ThresholdValue"
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1660
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 09:08:48PM] Stopped workshop quest
[10/15/2016 - 09:08:48PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (2F00E4D2)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 09:08:48PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:08:48PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 09:08:48PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:08:48PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 09:08:49PM] VM is freezing...
[10/15/2016 - 09:08:49PM] VM is frozen

[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] Papyrus log opened (PC-64)
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] error: Native function GetAllMods in empty state could find no matching function on linked type ObjectReference. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] error: Native function GetTemplate in empty state could find no matching function on linked type ActorBase. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] error: Native function HasHeadPartOverlays in empty state could find no matching function on linked type ActorBase. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] error: Native function GetHeadParts in empty state could find no matching function on linked type ActorBase. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] error: Native function GetOutfit in empty state could find no matching function on linked type ActorBase. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] Function GetTemplate in the empty state on type ActorBase does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] Function HasHeadPartOverlays in the empty state on type ActorBase does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] Function GetHeadParts in the empty state on type ActorBase does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] Function GetOutfit in the empty state on type ActorBase does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] error: Native function GetWornItem in empty state could find no matching function on linked type Actor. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] error: Native function GetWornItemMods in empty state could find no matching function on linked type Actor. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] Function GetWornItem in the empty state on type Actor does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] error: Native function GetType in empty state could find no matching function on linked type HeadPart. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] error: Native function GetExtraParts in empty state could find no matching function on linked type HeadPart. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] error: Native function HasExtraPart in empty state could find no matching function on linked type HeadPart. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] error: Native function IsExtraPart in empty state could find no matching function on linked type HeadPart. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] error: Native function GetValidRaces in empty state could find no matching function on linked type HeadPart. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] error: Native function SetValidRaces in empty state could find no matching function on linked type HeadPart. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 153600 (max total)
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] Maximum stack depth: 100
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:44PM] This is a script log only and does not contain information on any other part of the game, including crashes.
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:47PM] Cannot open store for class "TrueStorms:TrueStorms_SpawnCleanup", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:47PM] Cannot open store for class "camplargetenttriggervolumescript", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:47PM] Cannot open store for class "camptentsheltercollider", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:48PM] Cannot open store for class "WeaponLLInject", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:48PM] error: Unable to bind script WeaponLLInject to NukaHandmadeInject (83004C50) because their base types do not match
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:48PM] Cannot open store for class "AmmoLLInject", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:48PM] error: Unable to bind script AmmoLLInject to NukaHandmadeAmmoInject (830090A1) because their base types do not match
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:48PM] Cannot open store for class "VFA_FocusAimDetectScript", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:48PM] Cannot open store for class "VFA_BlitzEffect", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:48PM] Cannot open store for class "MyMod01:TERM__01001ED4", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:48PM] Cannot open store for class "MyMod01:TERM__01001EDC", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:48PM] Cannot open store for class "MyMod01:TERM__01001ED6", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:49PM] Cannot open store for class "DLC04:DLC04OperatorsRifleAnimationScript", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:49PM] error: Unable to bind script DLC04:DLC04OperatorsRifleAnimationScript to  (06051235) because their base types do not match
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property isMainframePanel on script dlc04:dlc04_gzstarcorepanelscript attached to  (06031A13) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] error: Property Valuables02 on script dlc03:dlc03dialoguev118script attached to DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (27) on quest DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] error: Property Valuables03 on script dlc03:dlc03dialoguev118script attached to DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (28) on quest DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] error: Property Valuables01 on script dlc03:dlc03dialoguev118script attached to DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (25) on quest DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49003F0B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49001ED9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (490041AE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032694) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032694) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032697) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032697) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ForcedEMSState on script DLC04:DLC04GZEMSystemTurfScript attached to  (06039105) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkCustom02 on script DLC03:ADV002_ProjectorScript attached to  (030049ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property StartOn on script DLC03:ADV002_ProjectorScript attached to  (030049ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkCustom01 on script DLC03:ADV002_ProjectorScript attached to  (030049ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390BB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390BB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032693) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032693) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029416) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029416) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029416) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49003DFD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029626) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029626) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029626) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49004019) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602941A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602941A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602941A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (490040A0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06026FFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06026FFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06026FFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029498) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029498) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029498) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029628) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029628) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029628) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49003E84) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49004127) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029418) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029418) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029418) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603298F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603298F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029419) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029419) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] error: Property WorkshopRatingValues on script DLC06:DLC06OverseerHandlerScript attached to DLC06OverseerHandler (05003CF3) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49004343) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] error: Property DLC04GZHostileRobotsFaction on script DLC04:DLC04GZBattlezoneQuestScript attached to DLC04GZBattlezone (060295C8) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (060213F4) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused03 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused15 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused11 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused13 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused17 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused21 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused26 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused07 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused16 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused40 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused34 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused42 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused23 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused06 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused20 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused05 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused28 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused04 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused43 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused30 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused09 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused14 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused35 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused36 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused38 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused10 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused22 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused08 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused25 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused18 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused39 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused31 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused02 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused33 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused19 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused41 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused24 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused29 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused12 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused01 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused37 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused32 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ZUnused27 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029477) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029477) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029477) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029476) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029476) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029476) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032719) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032719) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326F9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326F9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49003F92) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZ_StarCoresClearTotal on script dlc04:dlc04_gzstarcontrolterminalscript attached to  (0601E359) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZ_StarCoresTotal on script dlc04:dlc04_gzstarcontrolterminalscript attached to  (0601E359) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326B1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326B1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (490042BC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49004235) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032678) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032678) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] error: Property FollowerMoveToDepart on script dlc03:dlc03boatanimscript attached to  (030247B7) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (031259E2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ForcedEMSState on script DLC04:DLC04GZEMSystemTurfScript attached to  (06039196) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602947E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602947E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602947E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] error: Property CompanionActor on script COMTalkQuestScript attached to CompBRQuest (5B000F9D) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (5B000F9C) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029487) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029487) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029487) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] error: Property DLC04_WW02 on script DLC04:WW_StartCritterHunt attached to  (06040B26) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (06038358) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (490043CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property BrotherhoodOfSteelFaction on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property MinutemenFaction on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property MinutemenCentralQuest on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property BoSPrydwenArrived on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029627) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029627) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029627) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029414) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029414) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029414) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] VM is freezing...
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:51PM] VM is frozen
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:52PM] Reverting game...
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:52PM] error: Unable to bind script DLC04:DLC04OperatorsRifleAnimationScript to  (06051235) because their base types do not match
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:52PM] error: Unable to bind script AmmoLLInject to NukaHandmadeAmmoInject (830090A1) because their base types do not match
[10/15/2016 - 08:59:52PM] error: Unable to bind script WeaponLLInject to NukaHandmadeInject (83004C50) because their base types do not match
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] Loading game...
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property isMainframePanel on script dlc04:dlc04_gzstarcorepanelscript attached to  (06031A13) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] error: Property Valuables02 on script dlc03:dlc03dialoguev118script attached to DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (27) on quest DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] error: Property Valuables03 on script dlc03:dlc03dialoguev118script attached to DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (28) on quest DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] error: Property Valuables01 on script dlc03:dlc03dialoguev118script attached to DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (25) on quest DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49003F0B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49001ED9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (490041AE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032694) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032694) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property WorkshopMirrorValidScalpels on script LMM:WorkshopMirror attached to  (FF004FCB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property WorkshopMirrorValidHairBrushes on script LMM:WorkshopMirror attached to  (FF004FCB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property WorkshopMirrorRequiresItems on script LMM:WorkshopMirror attached to  (FF004FCB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029498) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029498) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029498) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (490040A0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ForcedEMSState on script DLC04:DLC04GZEMSystemTurfScript attached to  (06039105) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390BB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390BB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032693) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032693) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029414) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029414) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029414) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029416) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029416) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029416) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49003DFD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029627) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029627) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029627) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49003F92) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49004019) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029626) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029626) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029626) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602941A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602941A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602941A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032697) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032697) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029628) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029628) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029628) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49003E84) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49004127) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029418) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029418) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029418) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603298F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603298F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029419) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029419) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] error: Property WorkshopRatingValues on script DLC06:DLC06OverseerHandlerScript attached to DLC06OverseerHandler (05003CF3) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49004343) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] error: Property DLC04GZHostileRobotsFaction on script DLC04:DLC04GZBattlezoneQuestScript attached to DLC04GZBattlezone (060295C8) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (060213F4) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (490042BC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602947E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602947E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602947E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkCustom02 on script DLC03:ADV002_ProjectorScript attached to  (030049ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property StartOn on script DLC03:ADV002_ProjectorScript attached to  (030049ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkCustom01 on script DLC03:ADV002_ProjectorScript attached to  (030049ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06026FFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06026FFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06026FFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029477) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029477) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029477) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029476) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029476) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029476) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032719) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032719) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused03 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused15 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused11 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused13 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused17 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused21 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused26 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused07 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused16 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused40 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused34 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused42 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused23 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused06 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused20 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused05 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused28 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused04 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused43 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused30 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused09 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused14 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused35 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused36 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused38 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused10 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused22 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused08 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused25 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused18 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused39 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused31 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused02 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused33 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused19 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused41 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused24 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused29 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused12 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused01 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused37 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused32 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ZUnused27 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6C000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (49004235) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326B1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326B1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032678) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032678) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] error: Property FollowerMoveToDepart on script dlc03:dlc03boatanimscript attached to  (030247B7) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (031259E2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ForcedEMSState on script DLC04:DLC04GZEMSystemTurfScript attached to  (06039196) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326F9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326F9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZ_StarCoresClearTotal on script dlc04:dlc04_gzstarcontrolterminalscript attached to  (0601E359) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZ_StarCoresTotal on script dlc04:dlc04_gzstarcontrolterminalscript attached to  (0601E359) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029487) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029487) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029487) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] error: Property DLC04_WW02 on script DLC04:WW_StartCritterHunt attached to  (06040B26) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (06038358) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (490043CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] error: Property CompanionActor on script COMTalkQuestScript attached to CompBRQuest (5B000F9D) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (5B000F9C) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property BrotherhoodOfSteelFaction on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property MinutemenFaction on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property MinutemenCentralQuest on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:02PM] warning: Property BoSPrydwenArrived on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] VM is thawing...
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] CWMR: OnPlayerLoadGame
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] CWMR: Formlist Addition
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] error: Native static function GetCurrentConsoleRef could find no matching static function on linked type game. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM]  OnPlayerLoadGame Block Running 
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] OnPlayerLoadGame()
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] error: Native static function Log could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] error: Native static function LogicalNot could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] error: Native static function LogicalXor could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] error: Native static function LogicalOr could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] error: Native static function LogicalAnd could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] error: Native static function RightShift could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] error: Native static function LeftShift could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] [Conquest]======================================================================================================
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] [Conquest]     Conquest is now performing compatibility checks. Papyrus warnings about missing or               
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] [Conquest]             unloaded files may follow. This is NORMAL and can be ignored.   		                   
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] [Conquest]======================================================================================================
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] [Conquest]======================================================================================================
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] Location loaded!
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] [Conquest]                            Conquest compatibility check complete.   		                           
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] [Conquest]======================================================================================================
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] [Conquest] Injecting custom workshop menus.
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] Found workshop: [DLC06:VaultWorkshopScript < (05000FEF)>]
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] Init()
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] RegisteringRemoteEvents
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] AddItemsAndPerks()
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:03PM] UpdateVanillaPerks
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:04PM] CritLimit: 1
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:04PM] FLC: 0
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:04PM] GRS: 0
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:04PM] GunFu: 0
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:05PM] AttackQuest.DLC02CageSpawnMarker:[ObjectReference < (02000BE5)>] aRefInject:[ObjectReference < (02000BE5)>]
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:06PM]  Automatron EyeBot Companions order-critical formlist edits started 
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:06PM]  Automatron EyeBot Companions order-critical formlist edits completed 
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:06PM]  AEC Non Order Critical Edits Begun 
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:07PM]  AEC Non Order Critical Edits Done 
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:07PM]  AEC Managing Holotapes 
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:07PM]  AEC Done Managing Holotapes 
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:07PM]  OnPlayerLoadGame Block Done 
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:27PM] error: Cannot access an element of a None array
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetNextThreshold() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1207
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1655
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:27PM] error: Cannot access a variable of a None struct
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetNextThreshold() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1207
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1655
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:27PM] error: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function call
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetNextThreshold() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1207
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1655
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:27PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp372"
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetNextThreshold() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1207
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1655
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:27PM] error: Cannot access an element of a None array
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetNextThreshold() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1209
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1655
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:27PM] error: Cannot access a variable of a None struct
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1655
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:27PM] error: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function call
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1660
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:27PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "ThresholdValue"
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1660
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:40PM] error: Cannot unregister for an animation event on an None object
	[None].RadScorpionFXScript.UnregisterForAnimationEvent() - "<native>" Line ?
	[None].RadScorpionFXScript.OnEffectFinish() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\RadScorpionFXScript.psc" Line 44
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:40PM] error: Cannot unregister for an animation event on an None object
	[None].RadScorpionFXScript.UnregisterForAnimationEvent() - "<native>" Line ?
	[None].RadScorpionFXScript.OnEffectFinish() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\RadScorpionFXScript.psc" Line 45
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:40PM] error: Cannot unregister for an animation event on an None object
	[None].RadScorpionFXScript.UnregisterForAnimationEvent() - "<native>" Line ?
	[None].RadScorpionFXScript.OnEffectFinish() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\RadScorpionFXScript.psc" Line 44
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:40PM] error: Cannot unregister for an animation event on an None object
	[None].RadScorpionFXScript.UnregisterForAnimationEvent() - "<native>" Line ?
	[None].RadScorpionFXScript.OnEffectFinish() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\RadScorpionFXScript.psc" Line 45
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:40PM] Location loaded!
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:40PM] error: Attempting to stop an invalid sound instance
	<unknown self>.Sound.StopInstance() - "<native>" Line ?
	[None].SentryBotOverheatFXScript.OnEffectFinish() - "C:\Users\Samson\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\SentryBotOverheatFXScript.psc" Line 103
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:40PM] error:  (0019C66A): the animation graph (TRAP) cannot currently process event "Reset".
	[ (0019C66A)].traptripwire.PlayAnimation() - "<native>" Line ?
	[ (0019C66A)].traptripwire.OnReset() - "C:\Users\Samson\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\traptripwire.psc" Line 51
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:40PM] error:  (0019C675): the animation graph (TRAP) cannot currently process event "Reset".
	[ (0019C675)].traptripwire.PlayAnimation() - "<native>" Line ?
	[ (0019C675)].traptripwire.OnReset() - "C:\Users\Samson\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\traptripwire.psc" Line 51
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:40PM] error:  (00187590): model was not loaded when we tried to play an animation on it (most likely you're calling for animations in OnInit.).
	[ (00187590)].ObjectReference.PlayAnimation() - "<native>" Line ?
	[ (0018758F)].TrapMonkeyTriggerScript.OnReset() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\TrapMonkeyTriggerScript.psc" Line 49
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:41PM] error: Cannot call GetWorldSpace() on a None object, aborting function call
	[alias PlayerAlias on quest SB_SalvageBeaconQuest (5A0080F9)].SB_record_last_world_location.isPlayerInOuterWorldspace() - "C:\Users\Josh-aw\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\SB_record_last_world_location.psc" Line 54
	[alias PlayerAlias on quest SB_SalvageBeaconQuest (5A0080F9)].SB_record_last_world_location.OnPlayerTeleport() - "C:\Users\Josh-aw\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\SB_record_last_world_location.psc" Line 42
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:41PM] error: Cannot call GetWorldSpace() on a None object, aborting function call
	[alias PlayerAlias on quest SB_SalvageBeaconQuest (5A0080F9)].SB_record_last_world_location.isPlayerInOuterWorldspace() - "C:\Users\Josh-aw\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\SB_record_last_world_location.psc" Line 58
	[alias PlayerAlias on quest SB_SalvageBeaconQuest (5A0080F9)].SB_record_last_world_location.OnPlayerTeleport() - "C:\Users\Josh-aw\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\SB_record_last_world_location.psc" Line 42
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:41PM] error:  (00187590): model was not loaded when we tried to play an animation on it (most likely you're calling for animations in OnInit.).
	[ (00187590)].ObjectReference.PlayAnimation() - "<native>" Line ?
	[ (0018758F)].TrapMonkeyTriggerScript.OnCellLoad() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\TrapMonkeyTriggerScript.psc" Line 37
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:41PM] VM is freezing...
[10/15/2016 - 09:00:41PM] VM is frozen

[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] Papyrus log opened (PC-64)
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] error: Native function GetAllMods in empty state could find no matching function on linked type ObjectReference. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] error: Native function GetTemplate in empty state could find no matching function on linked type ActorBase. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] error: Native function HasHeadPartOverlays in empty state could find no matching function on linked type ActorBase. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] error: Native function GetHeadParts in empty state could find no matching function on linked type ActorBase. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] error: Native function GetOutfit in empty state could find no matching function on linked type ActorBase. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] Function GetTemplate in the empty state on type ActorBase does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] Function HasHeadPartOverlays in the empty state on type ActorBase does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] Function GetHeadParts in the empty state on type ActorBase does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] Function GetOutfit in the empty state on type ActorBase does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] error: Native function GetWornItem in empty state could find no matching function on linked type Actor. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] error: Native function GetWornItemMods in empty state could find no matching function on linked type Actor. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] Function GetWornItem in the empty state on type Actor does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] error: Native function GetType in empty state could find no matching function on linked type HeadPart. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] error: Native function GetExtraParts in empty state could find no matching function on linked type HeadPart. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] error: Native function HasExtraPart in empty state could find no matching function on linked type HeadPart. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] error: Native function IsExtraPart in empty state could find no matching function on linked type HeadPart. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] error: Native function GetValidRaces in empty state could find no matching function on linked type HeadPart. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] error: Native function SetValidRaces in empty state could find no matching function on linked type HeadPart. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 153600 (max total)
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] Maximum stack depth: 100
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:20PM] This is a script log only and does not contain information on any other part of the game, including crashes.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:23PM] Cannot open store for class "TrueStorms:TrueStorms_SpawnCleanup", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:23PM] Cannot open store for class "camplargetenttriggervolumescript", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:23PM] Cannot open store for class "camptentsheltercollider", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:23PM] Cannot open store for class "WeaponLLInject", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:23PM] error: Unable to bind script WeaponLLInject to NukaHandmadeInject (84004C50) because their base types do not match
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:23PM] Cannot open store for class "AmmoLLInject", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:23PM] error: Unable to bind script AmmoLLInject to NukaHandmadeAmmoInject (840090A1) because their base types do not match
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:23PM] Cannot open store for class "VFA_FocusAimDetectScript", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:23PM] Cannot open store for class "VFA_BlitzEffect", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:23PM] Cannot open store for class "MyMod01:TERM__01001ED4", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:23PM] Cannot open store for class "MyMod01:TERM__01001EDC", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:24PM] Cannot open store for class "MyMod01:TERM__01001ED6", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:24PM] Cannot open store for class "DLC04:DLC04OperatorsRifleAnimationScript", missing file?
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:24PM] error: Unable to bind script DLC04:DLC04OperatorsRifleAnimationScript to  (06051235) because their base types do not match
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property isMainframePanel on script dlc04:dlc04_gzstarcorepanelscript attached to  (06031A13) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] error: Property Valuables02 on script dlc03:dlc03dialoguev118script attached to DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (27) on quest DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] error: Property Valuables01 on script dlc03:dlc03dialoguev118script attached to DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (25) on quest DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] error: Property Valuables03 on script dlc03:dlc03dialoguev118script attached to DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (28) on quest DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032694) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032694) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused06 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused41 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused32 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused10 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused42 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused43 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused04 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused16 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused18 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused01 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused13 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused34 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused14 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused05 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused03 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused09 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused12 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused37 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused08 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused24 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused35 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused21 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused36 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused31 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused40 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused33 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused39 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused19 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused15 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused23 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused07 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused22 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused20 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused02 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused17 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused26 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused27 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused38 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused28 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused30 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused29 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused25 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ZUnused11 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032697) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032697) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ForcedEMSState on script DLC04:DLC04GZEMSystemTurfScript attached to  (06039105) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property StartOn on script DLC03:ADV002_ProjectorScript attached to  (030049ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkCustom02 on script DLC03:ADV002_ProjectorScript attached to  (030049ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkCustom01 on script DLC03:ADV002_ProjectorScript attached to  (030049ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390BB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390BB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032693) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032693) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029414) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029414) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029414) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029416) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029416) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029416) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029626) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029626) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029626) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029627) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029627) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029627) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A003F92) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A0042BC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A004343) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602941A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602941A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602941A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06026FFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06026FFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06026FFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029498) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029498) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029498) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029628) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029628) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029628) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029418) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029418) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029418) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603298F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603298F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029419) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029419) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] error: Property WorkshopRatingValues on script DLC06:DLC06OverseerHandlerScript attached to DLC06OverseerHandler (05003CF3) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] error: Property DLC04GZHostileRobotsFaction on script DLC04:DLC04GZBattlezoneQuestScript attached to DLC04GZBattlezone (060295C8) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (060213F4) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A003E84) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A003F0B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029477) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029477) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029477) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] error: Property CompanionActor on script COMTalkQuestScript attached to CompBRQuest (5C000F9D) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (5C000F9C) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029476) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029476) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029476) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032719) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032719) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326F9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326F9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A004019) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZ_StarCoresClearTotal on script dlc04:dlc04_gzstarcontrolterminalscript attached to  (0601E359) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZ_StarCoresTotal on script dlc04:dlc04_gzstarcontrolterminalscript attached to  (0601E359) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326B1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326B1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032678) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032678) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] error: Property FollowerMoveToDepart on script dlc03:dlc03boatanimscript attached to  (030247B7) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (031259E2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A004127) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A004235) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ForcedEMSState on script DLC04:DLC04GZEMSystemTurfScript attached to  (06039196) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602947E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602947E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602947E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A003DFD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A001ED9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029487) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029487) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029487) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A0041AE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] error: Property DLC04_WW02 on script DLC04:WW_StartCritterHunt attached to  (06040B26) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (06038358) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A0043CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A0040A0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property BoSPrydwenArrived on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property BrotherhoodOfSteelFaction on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property MinutemenCentralQuest on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property MinutemenFaction on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] VM is freezing...
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] VM is frozen
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] Reverting game...
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] error: Unable to bind script DLC04:DLC04OperatorsRifleAnimationScript to  (06051235) because their base types do not match
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] error: Unable to bind script AmmoLLInject to NukaHandmadeAmmoInject (840090A1) because their base types do not match
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:27PM] error: Unable to bind script WeaponLLInject to NukaHandmadeInject (84004C50) because their base types do not match
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] Loading game...
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property isMainframePanel on script dlc04:dlc04_gzstarcorepanelscript attached to  (06031A13) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] error: Property Valuables02 on script dlc03:dlc03dialoguev118script attached to DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (27) on quest DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] error: Property Valuables01 on script dlc03:dlc03dialoguev118script attached to DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (25) on quest DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] error: Property Valuables03 on script dlc03:dlc03dialoguev118script attached to DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (28) on quest DLC03DialogueV118 (030316F2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032694) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032694) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused06 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused41 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused32 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused10 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused42 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused43 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused04 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused16 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused18 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused01 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused13 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused34 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused14 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused05 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused03 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused09 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused12 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused37 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused08 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused24 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused35 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused21 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused36 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused31 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused40 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused33 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused39 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused19 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused15 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused23 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused07 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused22 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused20 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused02 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused17 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused26 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused27 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused38 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused28 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused30 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused29 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused25 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ZUnused11 on script OWR_Holotape_QuestScript attached to OWR_SFM_Holotape_Quest (6D000FAC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ForcedEMSState on script DLC04:DLC04GZEMSystemTurfScript attached to  (06039105) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390BB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390BB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032693) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032693) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029414) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029414) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029414) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029416) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029416) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029416) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029627) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029627) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029627) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A003F92) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A0042BC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602949D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A004343) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602941A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602941A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602941A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029628) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029628) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029628) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029418) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029418) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029418) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603298F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603298F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A0040A0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029419) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029419) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] error: Property WorkshopRatingValues on script DLC06:DLC06OverseerHandlerScript attached to DLC06OverseerHandler (05003CF3) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A0041AE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] error: Property CompanionActor on script COMTalkQuestScript attached to CompBRQuest (5C000F9D) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (5C000F9C) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] error: Property DLC04GZHostileRobotsFaction on script DLC04:DLC04GZBattlezoneQuestScript attached to DLC04GZBattlezone (060295C8) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (060213F4) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A004127) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A004019) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZ_StarCoresClearTotal on script dlc04:dlc04_gzstarcontrolterminalscript attached to  (0601E359) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZ_StarCoresTotal on script dlc04:dlc04_gzstarcontrolterminalscript attached to  (0601E359) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060390C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602946C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06026FFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06026FFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06026FFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A003E84) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602947E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602947E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602947E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property StartOn on script DLC03:ADV002_ProjectorScript attached to  (030049ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkCustom02 on script DLC03:ADV002_ProjectorScript attached to  (030049ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkCustom01 on script DLC03:ADV002_ProjectorScript attached to  (030049ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A004235) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property WorkshopMirrorValidScalpels on script LMM:WorkshopMirror attached to  (FF004FCB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property WorkshopMirrorValidHairBrushes on script LMM:WorkshopMirror attached to  (FF004FCB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property WorkshopMirrorRequiresItems on script LMM:WorkshopMirror attached to  (FF004FCB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029477) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029477) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029477) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029476) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029476) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029476) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0602948B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A0043CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326B1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326B1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A003F0B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032697) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032697) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032678) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032678) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] error: Property FollowerMoveToDepart on script dlc03:dlc03boatanimscript attached to  (030247B7) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (031259E2) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032719) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06032719) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ForcedEMSState on script DLC04:DLC04GZEMSystemTurfScript attached to  (06039196) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326F9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326F9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A003DFD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property Fast_travel on script BoatTravelMod_Travel attached to  (4A001ED9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029487) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029487) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029487) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (060326C2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] error: Property DLC04_WW02 on script DLC04:WW_StartCritterHunt attached to  (06040B26) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (06038358) is not the right type
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029498) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029498) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029498) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (0603269C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property ProtectronPodStatus on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029626) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029626) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property LinkKeyword on script DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to  (06029626) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property BoSPrydwenArrived on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property BrotherhoodOfSteelFaction on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property MinutemenCentralQuest on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:37PM] warning: Property MinutemenFaction on script dlc04:dlc04_rq_managerscript attached to DLC04_RQ_Manager (06017F47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] VM is thawing...
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] CWMR: OnPlayerLoadGame
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] CWMR: Formlist Addition
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] error: Native static function GetCurrentConsoleRef could find no matching static function on linked type game. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] OnPlayerLoadGame()
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM]  OnPlayerLoadGame Block Running 
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] error: Native static function Log could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] error: Native static function LogicalNot could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] error: Native static function LogicalXor could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] error: Native static function LogicalOr could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] error: Native static function LogicalAnd could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] error: Native static function RightShift could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] error: Native static function LeftShift could find no matching static function on linked type math. Function will not be bound.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] [Conquest]======================================================================================================
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] [Conquest]     Conquest is now performing compatibility checks. Papyrus warnings about missing or               
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] [Conquest]             unloaded files may follow. This is NORMAL and can be ignored.   		                   
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] [Conquest]======================================================================================================
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] [Conquest]======================================================================================================
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] Location loaded!
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] [Conquest]                            Conquest compatibility check complete.   		                           
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] [Conquest]======================================================================================================
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] [Conquest] Injecting custom workshop menus.
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] Found workshop: [DLC06:VaultWorkshopScript < (05000FEF)>]
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] Init()
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] RegisteringRemoteEvents
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] AddItemsAndPerks()
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] UpdateVanillaPerks
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] CritLimit: 1
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] FLC: 0
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] GRS: 0
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:39PM] GunFu: 0
[10/15/2016 - 08:50:41PM] AttackQuest.DLC02CageSpawnMarker:[ObjectReference < (02000BE5)>] aRefInject:[ObjectReference < (02000BE5)>]
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:11PM]  Automatron EyeBot Companions order-critical formlist edits started 
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:11PM]  Automatron EyeBot Companions order-critical formlist edits completed 
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:11PM]  AEC Non Order Critical Edits Begun 
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:12PM]  AEC Non Order Critical Edits Done 
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:12PM]  AEC Managing Holotapes 
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:12PM]  AEC Done Managing Holotapes 
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:12PM]  OnPlayerLoadGame Block Done 
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:18PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:18PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:18PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:18PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00249F3B)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:18PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000872)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000871)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000873)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000874)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000875)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00249F3B)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:19PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000872)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000871)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000873)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000874)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000875)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:20PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00249F3B)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000872)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000871)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000873)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000874)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000875)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:21PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00249F3B)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000872)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000871)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000874)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000875)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:22PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000873)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00249F3B)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000872)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000873)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000875)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000871)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:23PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000874)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00249F3B)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000872)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000871)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000873)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000874)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:24PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000875)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00249F3B)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000872)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000871)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000874)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000873)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000875)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] OnMenuOpenCloseEvent()
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:25PM] AddItemsAndPerks()
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00023742)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000856)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000857)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000858)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000859)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (0000085A)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:29PM] OnMenuOpenCloseEvent()
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00249F3B)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000872)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000871)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000874)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000875)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:30PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000873)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00249F3B)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000872)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000871)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000873)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000874)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:31PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000875)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00249F3B)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000872)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000871)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000874)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000875)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:32PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000873)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00249F3B)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000872)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000871)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000873)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000874)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000875)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:33PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00249F3B)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000872)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000873)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000874)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000875)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:34PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000871)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00249F3B)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000872)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000871)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000874)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000875)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:35PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000873)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] error: Cannot access an element of a None array
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetNextThreshold() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1207
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1655
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] error: Cannot access a variable of a None struct
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetNextThreshold() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1207
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1655
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] error: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function call
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetNextThreshold() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1207
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1655
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp372"
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetNextThreshold() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1207
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1655
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] error: Cannot access an element of a None array
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetNextThreshold() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1209
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1655
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] error: Cannot access a variable of a None struct
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1655
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] error: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function call
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1660
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "ThresholdValue"
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.TestValueForAffinityBump() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 1660
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.GetWithPlayerAffinityGain() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 300
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.HandleWithPlayer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 684
	[ (FF0047F2)].companionactorscript.OnTimer() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\CompanionActorScript.psc" Line 426
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00249F3B)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000872)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000871)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000873)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000874)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000875)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:36PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00249F3B)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000872)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000873)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000874)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000875)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:37PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000871)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00249F3B)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000872)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000871)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000873)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000874)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:38PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:39PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:39PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:39PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:39PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:39PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00000875)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:52PM] error: Cannot call IsPlaying() on a None object, aborting function call
	[DLC04MQ00Radio (06007D20)].DLC04:DLC04MQ00RadioScript.OnTimerGameTime() - "g:\_F4\DLC04\Art\Raw\Scripts\DLC04\DLC04MQ00RadioScript.psc" Line 20
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"
	[DLC04MQ00Radio (06007D20)].DLC04:DLC04MQ00RadioScript.OnTimerGameTime() - "g:\_F4\DLC04\Art\Raw\Scripts\DLC04\DLC04MQ00RadioScript.psc" Line 20
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:52PM] error: Cannot call GetStageDone() on a None object, aborting function call
	[DLC04MQ00Radio (06007D20)].DLC04:DLC04MQ00RadioScript.OnTimerGameTime() - "g:\_F4\DLC04\Art\Raw\Scripts\DLC04\DLC04MQ00RadioScript.psc" Line 20
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp5"
	[DLC04MQ00Radio (06007D20)].DLC04:DLC04MQ00RadioScript.OnTimerGameTime() - "g:\_F4\DLC04\Art\Raw\Scripts\DLC04\DLC04MQ00RadioScript.psc" Line 20
[10/15/2016 - 08:51:52PM] error: Cannot call Start() on a None object, aborting function call
	[DLC04MQ00Radio (06007D20)].DLC04:DLC04MQ00RadioScript.OnTimerGameTime() - "g:\_F4\DLC04\Art\Raw\Scripts\DLC04\DLC04MQ00RadioScript.psc" Line 21
[10/15/2016 - 08:52:05PM] error: Cannot call IsPlaying() on a None object, aborting function call
	[DLC04MQ00Radio (06007D20)].DLC04:DLC04MQ00RadioScript.OnTimerGameTime() - "g:\_F4\DLC04\Art\Raw\Scripts\DLC04\DLC04MQ00RadioScript.psc" Line 20
[10/15/2016 - 08:52:05PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"
	[DLC04MQ00Radio (06007D20)].DLC04:DLC04MQ00RadioScript.OnTimerGameTime() - "g:\_F4\DLC04\Art\Raw\Scripts\DLC04\DLC04MQ00RadioScript.psc" Line 20
[10/15/2016 - 08:52:05PM] error: Cannot call GetStageDone() on a None object, aborting function call
	[DLC04MQ00Radio (06007D20)].DLC04:DLC04MQ00RadioScript.OnTimerGameTime() - "g:\_F4\DLC04\Art\Raw\Scripts\DLC04\DLC04MQ00RadioScript.psc" Line 20
[10/15/2016 - 08:52:05PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp5"
	[DLC04MQ00Radio (06007D20)].DLC04:DLC04MQ00RadioScript.OnTimerGameTime() - "g:\_F4\DLC04\Art\Raw\Scripts\DLC04\DLC04MQ00RadioScript.psc" Line 20
[10/15/2016 - 08:52:05PM] error: Cannot call Start() on a None object, aborting function call
	[DLC04MQ00Radio (06007D20)].DLC04:DLC04MQ00RadioScript.OnTimerGameTime() - "g:\_F4\DLC04\Art\Raw\Scripts\DLC04\DLC04MQ00RadioScript.psc" Line 21
[10/15/2016 - 08:52:05PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:52:05PM] OnItemAdded Event Starts
[10/15/2016 - 08:52:05PM] OnItemEquipped() akBaseObject = [Potion < (00249F5B)>] akReference None
[10/15/2016 - 08:52:05PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:52:05PM] OnItemAdded Event ends
[10/15/2016 - 08:52:05PM] VM is freezing...
[10/15/2016 - 08:52:05PM] VM is frozen

And loadorder if that helps:

Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp=1
Companion Infinite Ammo and Unbreakable Power Armour.esm=1
Snap'n Build.esm=1
Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp=1
LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp=1
Grab and Eat.esp=1
Simple Intersection.esp=1
Dogmeat's Backpack.esp=1
Unnecessary Vault Debris Removed.esp=1
Smoke-able Cigars.esp=1
Eli_Apocalypse Attire.esp=1
Armorsmith Extended.esp=1
You Talk Too Much.esp=1
Perk Magazine Material Fix.esp=1
Crafting Workbench.esp=1
Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp=1
Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp=1
Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp=1
Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp=1
OCDecorator - No Experience.esp=1
Grasslands - Unhealthy.esp=1
50% Fusion Core Drain.esp=1
dD-Enhanced Blood.esp=1
Gm Home Plate.esp=1
Institute Safe House.esp=1
Cait CBBE Standalone 2.esp=1
SC-AE Patch.esp=1
M9 Leveled Lists.esp=1
Colt Python.esp=1
More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp=1
Better Bash.esp=1
Better Power Armor - Extended.esp=1
Colored Workshop Lights.esp=1
Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp=1
Vault-Tec Workshop Overhaul.esp=1
AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp=1
Extended weapon mods.esp=1
Fusion Gun.esp=1
Friffy_Holstered Weapons.esp=1
Armormsith All DLCs Patch.esp=1
OCD FarHarborDLC.esp=1
Synth Overhaul.esp=1
Survivalist GoBags-Chem Station-150lbs.esp=1
Flags of the Old World.esp=1
VaultTecAcceleratedFocusSystem - FarHarbor.esp=1
VaultTecAcceleratedFocusSystem - NukaWorld.esp=1

Edited by kaske
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[10/15/2016 - 09:06:44PM] This is a script log only and does not contain information on any other part of the game, including crashes.

Edited by steve40
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Your game is complaining that it is missing a bunch of native functions from Script Extender. You need to copy all the pex files from the FO4SE archive in the folder "_for_test_only\Data\Scripts" to your game's DATA\SCRIPTS folder.

Edited by steve40
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Your game is complaining that it is missing a bunch of native functions from Script Extender. You need to copy all the pex files from the FO4SE archive in the folder "_for_test_only\Data\Scripts" to your game's DATA\SCRIPTS folder.

Did this. Didn't seem to do any difference in the logs.


The crashing however seems to have gone away (momentarily) when I started the game without invalidating archives, saved, and put Invalidate Archives back again. Of course it was only temporary and the problem came back soon thereafter.

Edited by kaske
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