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Weird Fan like ripple effect


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Well its a weird glitch i get. I'd say about every 8 to 10 seconds i get this weird ripple effect on the screen. Best comparison i could make would be it looks like somone put a giant fan in front of the sun and the intermittent shadows flicker across all the terrain for about 2 seconds then goes away. Another 8 to 10 seconds it happens again. I just started noticing it maybe yesterday, was on a bit today and noticed it again.


Anyone else had an issue like this before? I have several mods installed but havent really put up any new ones in the last couple days and hadn't had this issue previously. Cant really think off hand which of these mods might be the culprit.


Not sure how to describe it accurately so made a video of it. Crap not sure how to get the video on here. Its a fraps videon, i'll have to read up on how to get it attached to this post.

Edited by Talonvore
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