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CTD on loading screen with autosave enabled


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my game crashes to desktop when going through a door (with autosave on) or when saving (with AS on or off). i am using a few mods, but to test if they were the cause i started a new character and went to places that crashed my game before and all was well, i could save, austosave and travel wherever i wanted.


my pc specs are able to run the game in ultra easily, so this isnt a performance issue. so i think this has something to do with the save file itself (which is now 11.1mb) and the games ability to run them at that size.


any suggestions? thanks :)

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Starting a new character while running mods doesn't necessarily indicate that mods aren't the problem.


Are you using any mods that are .esp files? Check your Data folder for them. If so, remove them from your Data folder and try to backtrack several saves, then see if that clears up the problem. Ideally, backtrack to the earliest save where you remember not having any problems.

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thanks for the reply,


i have no saves to backtrack and have had the mods active without issue long before the issue started.


im going to try a fresh install of skyrim now. ill report back when its done. i still think this is triggered by the size of the save file, ive heard of others having similar problems.

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