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wood stove, chimneypipes, cord wood pile request


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since its October 31st ish its cold I know I live 1 hour drive south of Boston. and it was a high of 56 degree's today during the day even colder at night. so in fallout 4 people are freezing to death at night. we need a craft able wood stove for heat and wood stoves need well wood. so a bookcase size of stacked fire wood to place along the walls etc. and wood stove's need piping for the chimney. so chimney piping we can snap to the stove and wall behind stove. we have fire places. but no chimney's to attach to them nor any cord wood to place by the fire place to feed the fire to keep our houses warm. I have some mods that add fire places and chimneys. im looking for a wood stove we can place in the center of house with a pipe going to roof and a pile of wood to set beside it for appearances. most mods now a days are just that appearance, aesthetic looking items. so I am requesting some weather warmth related ones.

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