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Infinite Perk Levels


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Let's face it, once you're lvl 100+ you're pretty much already a Superhero- so why not let us just keep taking ranks in the leveled perks- all the ones that are basically the equivalent of F3 Skills. I mean sure, you'd pretty much be 'breaking' the game at this point, but like I said- lvl 100+


Tron Fist (err, oops- I meant 'Iron Fist'- but you know, I think I like the typo, so it stays)

Big Leagues

Heavy Gunner


Demolition Expert



Better Criticals

-could all just add +20% more damage/lvl


Strong Back +50 Carry Weight/lvl (yes, I do need to carry all the junk, Mac)


Ninja, or maybe Sniper could add more levels of Ranged Sneak Attack bonus, x10 for Melee is probably plenty.

Critical Banker - I guess, if you really wanted to save up for a big fight, though most of the time I feel 3 levels is already kind of a waste...


Refractor and Toughness, though the DR might need to be capped at some point (or not, hey if you want to be invincible go for it!)


Rad Resistance - probably just needs an overhaul to be worth taking in the first place, since you need ~1000 to ignore Radiation, it should give +100/level

Edited by HandofBobb
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