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Borderlands Weapons


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I have been playing a lot of borderlands TPS lately and my only complaint against that game is it is first person. But having modular versions of those weapons in fallout would be epic. I lack the skills to do this but just throwing the idea out there and would be eternally grateful. I would donate to anyone who made this for sure.


I was thinking just one weapon (one smg, one assault rifle, etc) for each category and having all the different parts as mods for each one. here is a link to the different part for reference: http://www.se7ensins.com/forums/threads/pre-sequel-weapon-parts-resource-guide.1288728/


I honestly doubt this would ever happen, but it can't hurt to ask in case there is someone out there with the skills and the same love of borderlands as me.


Thanks in Advance,



Edited by gunther rall
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