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FIX - Making "Data Files" clickable so you can load mods!


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Hey Nexus forum, I keep seeing posts of people posting about how they cannot click on their "Data Files" option in launcher so just gonna write the steps on how to fix this, so those that are unaware of it don't have to make new topics and wait for replies.


1. Open skyrimprefs.ini (Documents > my games > skyrim)


2. Add the following entry under the [Launcher] heading: bEnableFileSelection=1


3. If there is no [Launcher] heading, or if step 2 didn't help add the line below to the TOP of the file and it should work.





4. Enjoy your mods


(If it still doesn't work try re-installing or running as administrator and Vista Service Pack 2 compatible)



I know most people know all this already but now it's there for anyone who needs it.





EDIT: Just gonna bump it once a day, if it doesn't bother anyone :P

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Bben46. Moderator

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works for me, but the game doesnt recognize all esp files I got (tytanus.esp for example)


Make sure they are placed in the right directory. For Tytanis I think you should open the 'data' file that you download and then extract the content (the meshes and tytanis.esp and so forth) into your skyrim/Data folder. :)


Basically, don't put the 'data' folder you downloaded into the game's original Data folder, just whats in the 'data'.


Hope this made a little sense XD

Edited by jepp5872
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